Feedback Design & Usability von Website?
Habe die Seite gemacht, und würde mich über Feedback zu Design und Usability freuen.
Zielgruppe sind Jobsuchende in der IT, die Seite ist ein Jobportal für AI Jobs in Österreich.
Habe die Seite gemacht, und würde mich über Feedback zu Design und Usability freuen.
Zielgruppe sind Jobsuchende in der IT, die Seite ist ein Jobportal für AI Jobs in Österreich.
Ich habe in JavaScript diese Beispiele nicht ganz verstanden: function xyz(value) oder function xyz({value}) Was sind die Unterschiede und könnt ihr eventuell einfach Beispiele machen, damit es anschaulicher wirkt?
Hallo, ich wollte mir mal wieder das Leben leichter machen und ein Python script programmieren, welches wenn ich den PC starte automatisch Discord und YouTube etc. öffnet. Dies hat auch anfangs einigermaßen funktioniert, bis ich bemerkt habe, dass Discord automatisch im Hintergrund läuft, auch wenn man es nicht startet, und sich somit die App nicht… Also das sie mich in eine Karikatur umwandelt?
Mal angenommen, ich tippe ein: /testfor @a[ Dann werden mir ja schon Vorschläge gemacht, was ich als nächsten eintippen könnte. Darunter sind die Commands: r rm rx rxm rxy rym “r” bedeutet, innerhalb einer Reichweite “rm” bedeutet, außerhalb einer Reichweite Soweit bin ich auch schon. Aber da sind ja noch 4 weitere, die ich nicht…
In my first impression, I would not necessarily consider the site to be trustworthy, because it seems that the content has simply been copied into a simple, generic template. I would expect much more from a website that would promote such a future-oriented sector.
First of all, consider how people from the target group would probably do if they were looking for appropriate job offers on a website.
For example, your current layout shows that header and sidebar consume unnecessary space. In the first section you can find links to the GitHub repository for the page: Is this for a page visitor from the audience of any relevance?
The fact that the filter links actually do something, you can only see if you either observe the scrollbar or scroll down explicitly after each click. Otherwise, an update does not occur. This is because the search results are always surrounded by the same flat text (not even without a clear visual separation).
A flexible search is also prevented by a user. There are some other criteria that would be of interest for sorting or filtering. The attached search field has no benefit for most search terms (e.g. student, vienna, weed) nothing is found. It generally appears (if the distances are set in relation to the filter links) as a foreign body or a standard module from the standard template, which has not even been hidden, if at all tested.
DI would rethink your way of showing the list. Since you list all offers with full text description among each other, the page becomes longer and longer with each other. The probability that the last offers will actually be read is therefore more unlikely. For seekers it is difficult (as already written) to filter more strongly by their own interests or to get a better overview at all.
Just look at online jobs like Indeed, Monster or Stepstone. They offer a customized userjourney to a visitor. In the first step, he can search and filter suggestions (as well as in the second step). It can look at various criteria that are often more important nowadays (industry, working time, job regulation, …). In order to be able to record such filter criteria for your own job portal, you also need to know its target group.
A detailed view typically follows only after the job seeker has screened out according to the first important criteria for him. It is possible to work with a teaser list that refers to its own detail page or implement any hidden logic. One Finally, I would design the option to apply in the form of a clickable, more striking button.
Looks like a 2008 website.