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For an FSJ you always need a carrier and an insert. If you don’t really know where to go with the Volunteer Service, look for local carriers! They also often offer consulting appointments where you can generally learn about the FSJ (or perhaps also a FÖJ) and where they can also tell you what places they work with.
To find a job, you will need to apply for it accordingly. Very often the application process is accompanied by volunteer services. So you can also make a picture on the spot if that could be for you before you finally decide!
Have you ever dealt with the topic and offers in Berlin?
You should do that first. I think the vast majority of offers will be written out somewhere.
Based on their own experiences and discussions with other FSJlerns, I really wonder if you can recommend an FSJ in the social field or in the healthcare sector to anyone. I don’t remember a single person who described her FSJ there as a generally positive, pleasant experience. It is simply sad to see how many places young, motivated people are being dealt with and the businesses wonder why they have no staff.
btw: I think FSJ in the rescue service is complete nonsense. If you want to work in the area, you’d prefer to apply for a training place to the rescue worker or rescue worker at a number of relief organisations or private rescue/sick transport companies. It is in fact the same work as in the FSJ, only that you are paid halfway appropriately and are not hired by a subcontractor (FSJ carrier).