Keyboard is recognized, but no typing, what could be wrong (loud/quiet works)?


My new keyboard has a problem. I installed it yesterday, and everything looked fine, but today it won't type any letters. It won't take screenshots or bring up the start bar. But I can still adjust the volume with it, and I hear the key tones through the speakers, but they don't do anything. I don't hear any key tones for the keys that work (loud, quiet, silent).

Does anyone have a solution for this? I know I can return it (a solution from customer service), but I hate returning something that will end up in the trash when there might still be a solution.

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3 months ago

See if you might have changed the keyboard layout in the settings.

Alt + Shift

3 months ago
Reply to  Keiks

I’d update the driver, as the problem also comes up with another keyboard. Just go to the device manager and search for “keyboard”.

3 months ago

Drivers uninstall, restart.