Hey findet ihr diese glänzenden Jacken von moncler auch so heiß?
Gerade wenn man sich darin bewegt das knistert so schön und glänzt.
Gerade wenn man sich darin bewegt das knistert so schön und glänzt.
Hallo zusammen, Stellt euch mal vor, ihr macht eure augen auf ihr seht eure wunderschöne schwarze Hautfarbe, irgendwann wenn ihr erwachsen werdet fangen leute an eich zu mobben, und ihr fängt an rache zu nehmen und es endet sehr dumm, aber was können menschen dafür wenn sie so geboren werden? Naja jeder kann so geboren…
Wenn Ihr aus welchen Gründen auch immer mal zu einem Facharzt müsst, dem Ihr Eure Genitalien zeigen müsst, wonach wählt Ihr diese Person aus? Vom gleichen Geschlecht (also Frau zur GynäkologIN bzw. Mann zum UrologEN) oder genau andersrum? Oder ist es egal? Meine Frau z.B. geht lieber zu ner Frauenärztin, weil sie deren eigener Expertise…
Hello 🙂 Ich will mir zu Halloween farbige rote Kontaktlinsen kaufen (Vampirverkleidung), mit Sehstärke. Bin mir aber unsicher, welcher von den vielen Anbietern der beste ist. Weiß da jemand mehr drüber?
Heyy, ich bin w15 und habe Schwierigkeiten gute Jeans für mich zu finden Ich bin nicht dick aber ziemlich kurvig also breitere Hüften und Beine aber schmale Taillie. Immer wenn ich eine Jeans anprobiere die an meinen Beinen perfekt passt rutscht die an der Taillie immer runter weil die extrem locker ist dort Mädels kennt…
Find these jackets really horny! I love such shiny jackets, especially if they are still worn by a sexy pretty girl!
I like the rubbing and cracking and the shine. However, there are also other brands that cost only a fraction of Moncler. How here my HUGO
O God, these pants… sorry and then the combination – so you won’t miss
But for traffic safety thumbs up!
Villeicht is quite the pants he liked so well and he felt totally comfortable and was satisfied with his outfit he wanted to show the only his jacket with the photo. In the future, just don’t write something else you could have had to write cool jacket or that would have been enough is absolutely not mean evil but you don’t know how some of them feel about it 🙂
Are you honest with the pants? She looks legit as if she was dipped in a pelvis with a cobble
Yes this is true most wearing simple clothes you dress very individual which is really different but still great.
find these comments just a real shame because you don’t know how some people deal with it are then looking sad and questioning the style what’s really bad because there are so many equal people
Don’t worry. I’m very robust. Just from my body stuff. And I always run around in style, like colorful combinations and extraordinary materials. Also in the office, which is near the photo recording. There are enough people running around with their boring functional jackets.
The brand is slowly contrary to me – wearing the wrong people. Too bad, because actually a good product. Especially too many fakes.
It is even more exclusive – for example, Moorer:
I find Moncler Jackets generally not so beautiful.
Shiny buffer jackets even less, no matter what brand they are.
I like my Duvetica.
These are the things that bother me with these jackets.
It’s not mine.
Lg pancakes
Yeah, but not the red one.
Don’t find them so beautiful!
The sounds scare me off.
This surface is broken very quickly if you have a hook on your fingernail or snuck along a wall with plaster.
Has so much strange association of people with paint fetish with me…
But if you like it…
This garbage bag fashion is terrible. Just like pants or trousers in the socks.
Trousers in the socks? Never seen
View well from…
Ne, looks like a garbage bag 🥴