Bad people?

If you're not feeling well because you've lost something in life and you don't want to or can't get back up because you're so desperate, you don't have anyone around you who likes you and society notices, i.e. people on the street that you otherwise meet in public, on the train, when you're shopping etc. are often attacked in the form of gossip… mockery… Are people really so shitty and hobbyless that they gossip about strangers, looking at their insecurity and bad mood or their broken hearts?

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2 months ago

No man can see what it looks like in you, so if you have a broken heart or something. Your thoughts and feelings only you know and others can ask you at most, but without your help, no knowledge can be found.

There are common people, but the reasons for this are with these people themselves and not with others or those who try to attack them.

Don’t take that kind of heart. It’s just how you’re with others. Hopefully better than any people. The best thing you can do is not become the same.

Sometimes it can also happen that you interpret something wrong and then refer to it because you feel bad yourself.

Often, people are not as evil as you sometimes think when you are in a bad mood. Perception can make much worse than it actually is.

Head up!

LG 🖤

2 months ago

You can’t have built so much shit you can’t tear the mouth. Are you randomly involved in the genocide in Israel? Probably not. People like to laugh, for community feeling. “We’re best friends, but look at them, they’re full of down!” And the next day you are again best friends and blaspheme over Person XX.

To despair would not make you survive. How would it be to develop an awareness instead?

2 months ago

Most people don’t think that way. Most laugh and don’t talk about you either.

And that’s why you’re not shit, but your perception is just badly colored.

2 months ago

Hello, I agree with the comment.

Nobody knows how you feel when you don’t talk about it.

You’re very depressive, you’re already in treatment?

I take very negative, depressive tendencies out of your lines.

If your thoughts remain so gloomy, I recommend a psychotherapy.

There’s another worries phone that’s anonymous.

2 months ago

Unfortunately there are.