Wäre es euch Wert auf extrem naturunfreundliche Lebensmittel zu verzichten , wie palmöl , wenn dafür jeder andere es auch macht?

Und wenn Fleisch und Milch nur noch Bio ist und 1,5 mal mehr kostet ?

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8 months ago

Not like that. No. I’ve never been using natural electricity because I haven’t seen paying more. I can only spend my money once. I don’t need a prestige – not before others Look, I’m great. But if my money is all, I can’t get any more power. While I still have some money in my pocket at the end of the month.

But if there is no more atomic current – for no one – then I do not suffer. That’s it.

8 months ago

Would you like to miss out on extremely unfriendly foods, such as palm oil, if everyone else does it?


And if meat and milk are only organic and costs 1.5 times more ?

Yes animal products (and fruits, vegetables) I already buy organic for my children for us adults normal. Do not do it because of the environment and alleged “climate change” but health.

8 months ago

I think that trying to regulate this thing about money is completely stupid. This means that you are only discussing society more :-/

I eat as good as just fish, not that you think that would touch me;-)

8 months ago

absolutely no problem with it if it were!

8 months ago

Nope. I’d have to pay attention to any ingredients.

8 months ago
Reply to  alex656

Then I wouldn’t have a choice anyway.

8 months ago

No, still not. 🙃

8 months ago

Palm oil is not non-natural. It consumes a lot of water, but the palm also has a lot of oil. In other types of oil you have to grow more palms to get the same amount of oil.