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Do you also waste almost your entire wages after just a few days?
after 1 week I only have money to eat
45-50.000 a year.
So €4,000 net / month?
also fluctuates over the year. but in a cut, about.
oki – thank you.
health area and also a different weekend job/hobby in summer
What are you doing professionally?
No, why should I? little car for a lot of money…
I got a 15-year-old Astra I used to get quite cheap because he’s got some insignificant dents.
Good salary. Are you driving Mercedes?
2200 to 2500€ net depending on how many working days a month has, you will not find out about me because this is still subject to confidentiality
– Certainly not. if you wanted to publish it at any time
Nope has explicitly prohibited us from doing this and as I find out for good reason, there have been a lot of dissatisfied in my company
Now, then the wage differences can be explained easily anyway. So they don’t need to be kept secret either.
are unfortunately quite different in terms of possible differences…why should someone get the same that has no FS and the whole night beside a pennt while you have to drive the transporter to be punctual?
Or why should someone get the 1 hole a day drilling the same as someone who drilled 30 a day
There’s no ass torn up, I’d have had people flying out without FS long ago
then it belongs to quite publicly what everyone deserves in the Fa: if the AG is to justify himself quietly for non-comprehensible pay differences – where, where they are comprehensible, he can anyway quite easily, udn for the incomprehensible belongs to him the ass torn.
but it’s nice that you cover him…
Part time 1.5
About 2200 euros for 21 hours in wage tax class 5!
Ca 1650€
I am independent and the profits fluctuate strongly. I don’t deserve anything this year. We live with reserves.
What are you doing?
Real estate sale.