Vielleicht RB?
Hallo, ich stehe momentan auf einer Wartelist für einen Hof, dort bekommt man dann eine RB, könntet ihr mir sagen was man da genau macht, ich weiß das man sich um das Pferd kümmert und Reitet, aber genaueres halt nicht.
Und ich hätte noch eine Frage, kann ich mit einer RB auch ohne Reitlehrer reiten? (heißt nicht das ich keinen Reitlehrer will, geht mir eher darum ob ich ohne RL ausreiten darf oder so.)
As FunnyFanny has already said, this is completely dependent on the farm.Many people also want to do this as longing. Some people ride alone, some don’t. Depends on what you can do and whether you have made riding pass or similar.
No, I don’t have a riding pass because I never really had the opportunity to do this
Something like Riderpass would not interest me as a PB, for example, I know my horse, knows what about an RB is about to float and then look at it if it has the stuff.
So simple (actually) 🙂
That’s not what everyone wants.
There are different concepts. I know, for example, a pony stud, who take choirs (also beginners) in the form of a kind of “residual participation”, which is actually the same as a horse subscription on a particular horse with lessons. The care of horse and semi-trailer belongs to this.
Ride alone, let alone ride out, is certainly pre-serving those who have been there for many years and who show themselves to be both elite and characteristic. These can then also participate in the training of young ponies and present them on tournaments, championships, etc.
please leave the waiting list.
the concept is completely disgusting and with the greatest probability also illegal.
I remember a court that a questioner once described, where each horse has about 10 rides, there was a permanent caffeine – and where afterwards it turned out that the riders are not insured and that the whole thing was not registered at all as a business, let alone was approved.
I’m writing this now because I don’t want to get really excited about how busy and smart people think about their own wallet using animal torture.
I’ll bring you some drops of valerian in the form of other experiences…
Here in my area there is a well-organized pony bag, so the owners draw up their young people, who later in a whole group on the tournaments and “delete”. Well recognizable from the unity air (with name of the stud on shirts and jackets).
On the stud is certainly all right, and I hardly think that financial or veterinary services would find something to be troubled. 🤗
What is the concept? Do you know more than the TE writes?
Oh, crap… my afternoon was naturally directed at @pony, not that it’s wrong!
In the meantime, many educational establishments have converted to an RB concept from an hour-by-hour booking:
1. An RB also has duties such as equipment. Where personnel are missing at all corners and ends, you are happy about it.
Two. People do not always say short-term because they pay in larger packages.
Well, we don’t know everything here… and the TE doesn’t report…
@pony You sound more like you have many prejudices because you once heard a bad story.
want to, yes, can look but think already, even though I certainly still have a lot to learn and actually I already know more why I wrote, not really XD” I don’t know right anymore.
But I would like to know that as a potential RB… you have to consider if you can/will do all this?
not really XD
Well, what? Do you now know more precisely how to do this at EUCH? 🙂
yes, I’m sorry I didn’t report earlier
It depends.
yes. depends on whether the trade supervision or the veterinary is first called to the farm.
@pony, huh? What do you think?
Well, you should ask DORT where to get the RB.
Everyone does that differently… and after that you can’t do that?
Wanted to know how this could be going, just to have some idea.
Better, you don’t have any ideas, you let everything come up. The owner will already have ideas, and for you it’s only important whether you like them.
Hihi… the idea you have quickly forgotten with the first muscle cat, etc., gelle?
yes, when I had to have my first riding lesson I had the idea I would be a kind of horse-failor or something, that was now in retrospect also weird XD