Wie bekomme ich meine Kitten geduldiger?

Die beiden Kater sind jetzt ca 4 Monate und ich hab sie seit 2 1/2 Monate und Beide sind super ungeduldig.

Immer wenn es Futter gibt oder ich denen Tricks bei bringen will geht das nicht weil sie sich direkt auf das Leckerli stürzen bzw auf das Futter und beim Tricks üben sehr überfordert sind und zappelig rumlaufen

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1 year ago

Should your apartment be big enough for it:

Build a small parkour (see video) and give them the wet food on a spoon only when they have gone a piece of the route (which you lay down), climbed, jumped.

I know it’s a challenge for 2 cats and a bigger one for 2 kittens.

Instructions: Agility for cats (+ DIY/self-made Agility Parkour & my 2 Siamcats)

Even if this YouTuber has fewer calls: I really love most of their guides!

Additional feed management, which feed and how much, super important, is also for saturation and thus also calming.

In best case the feed contains a meat content of at least 69% (open to the top), no wheat, gluten, sugar, Cassio Gum (binder).
There is such a type of rule of thumb: 70kcal x body weight cat = kcal need/day. At kittens it may be a bit more.

And finally: daily routines also at kittens are important so that they can get stability and look forward to individual rituals and align themselves with them. If food is the only highlight on the day, then they react accordingly happy and in need.

Something funny: Cat Tv – Mice Games for Cats To Enjoy – 10 Hours

Christmas greetings from DaLi, 😺Leo and 😺Mishu🎄

1 year ago

So since you’re still very young cats, it’s best to give wet food several times a day, they don’t need dry food. Includes only little meat, favors dental plaque and can also favor kidney damage.
For the teeth, raw meat (except pork and wild boar) is highly recommended, chicken hearts, chicken stomachs, muscle meat, whether wild, goat, sheep, chicken, turkey, horse, fish, shrimp, etc. can be fed without concern, except as mentioned by pig and wild boar.
Cats are stage eaters that can handle very well with several small meals, so 5 small portions and more are not rare in cats and for stage eaters and especially kittens in growth highly recommended.
The chewing on raw pieces of meat is highly recommended with the most natural form of tooth care and for carnivores like cats and a good variety to the food.
The dry food has more disadvantages than advantages, although it is not recommended for a period of time, is at most suitable as a small snack, since dry food also contains a lot of vegetable food, but that a cat simply cannot use away.

As far as the tricks are concerned, that in kittens that are slow to go to the pupils is difficult, in addition, if cats don’t like tricks, then nothing will happen, of course, very much to the individual, in some it’s good not to others.
If they are also very twisted, it is difficult to get their attention.

In itself, however, it actually sounds like a rather normal cat household, just as young animals are sometimes very scary, important is that they get neat imputation (please don’t use laser pointers for playing) intelligence games, something for catching such as a toy mouse that can drive itself, you can use very well.
You can also simply make small holes where a cat paw passes through, into a shoe box and fill it with leaky tile.
I can also recommend freeze-dried items such as dried shrimp, freeze-dried chicken or duck breast. Meat, without cereals or sugar.

1 year ago

The little ones have not been seriously separated from the mother at 6 weeks, have they?

1 year ago

Oh, my God! That’s something else…