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Wie entscheidet sich PayPal in diesem Fall?
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Sure. You can also have 20 if you want… zb if you open multiple bank accounts
Of course there is the possibility. Why?
I urgently need my driver’s license, you can say go to work, but it’s really urgent in my life situation. And I really need that. I am in favour of work.
I’d think about it three times. Driving license costs a bit, citizen money is not quite lush (you also have to live of it and do not have much to pay off) and the interest of the credit cards is extremely high. No good combination, you pay stupid and stupid. Probably no longer sooner or later, and get into even more trouble.
Using revolving credit cards for long installment is the dumbest thing you can do. You might be able to use this for an emergency time to share a credit card bill for two months, but not to pay a driver’s license for a longer period of time.
I don’t understand the connection between driving licence and Mastercard.
And how are you gonna pay off that?
That is clear to me;)
Driving license is paid in rates. Depending on the time. Nothing has to be funded. You only receive benefits that can be paid.
Sneaking a credit card is criminal.
Easy. The FS does not have the money for the Lappen and wants to finance it through several credit cards.