Water from the Christmas tree stinks, what to do?

Our Christmas tree has been stinking for a day now, and it's getting worse and worse. At first, we weren't sure where the smell was coming from. But now we've figured out it's the stale water. Emptying the water won't work because all the baubles would fall off. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of the smell or neutralize it with something? Thanks in advance for the replies!

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1 year ago

Copper pieces in the water. Actually, from the beginning, the development of bacteria prevents.

I would have added a shot of vinegar out of my stomach. The low pH value killed the bacteria.

1 year ago

Some people have a sensitive nose, others don’t.

I can’t believe it’s coming from the water.

1 year ago

Decorate and dispose.

Whether the smell disappears through the water change must try

1 year ago

Open the window. Tree out.