Derivative question?

I have

f: R^m -> R

With f(x) = a^T * x

Where a € R^m (clear)

Now we're asked for the derivative with respect to x, which should simply be a. I don't know why.

For me it would be according to Jacobi Matrix (In our script it says f'(x) = Jacobi Matrix with all partial derivatives

So I would say a^T.

Because f(x) = f(x_1, …, x_m) = a_1 * x_1 + … + a_m * x_m,

with x_i, or a_i € R

Where is my thinking mistake? Am I even making a mistake, or is there a convention for doing it the other way around, i.e., working more with the gradient and calling it the derivative?

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10 months ago

Also eigentlich müsste die Ableitung a^T sein, da die Jacobi Matrix in diesem Fall ein 1×m Vektor ist, welcher die Koordinaten von a enthält.