In humans, autotrophic or heterotrophic assimilation?
Can anyone explain to me which form of this applies to humans?
Best regards
Can anyone explain to me which form of this applies to humans?
Best regards
I had four wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and now I have trouble chewing. Since I'm a bit picky about food anyway, I'm struggling to think of anything to prepare for myself today or the next few days. So far, I've only come up with mashed potatoes and soup. Anyone have any other ideas?
because I met a kitten as a child and it went away immeasurably and then quickly hahahah Over time it also looked or was a little more near me after a few attempts.. or attempts to attract And one evening I was able to pet it, it was already a bit bigger and with its…
Here's one from a German boy:
Or is this just scaremongering
Autotroph bedeutet, dass ein Organismus organische Materialen die er zum Leben braucht(zB Zucker) selber aus anorganischen Stoffen aufbauen kann. Pflanzen zB betreiben Photosynthese und nutzen die Energie der Sonne um aus Wasser und CO2 Glucose zu gewinnen.
Organismen welche diese organischen Stoffe nicht selber aufbauen können, müssen um an sie zu kommen, andere Organismen essen. Diese Organismen nennt man heterotroph.
Heterotroph, da wir uns von anderem organischen Material ernähren.
Autotroph sind Pflanzen, manche Bakterien und Flechten, da sie “sich selbst ernähren”, indem sie die Sonne als Nahrungsquelle nutzen.