What were the most important political events this week?
Austria / worldwide
Austria / worldwide
What is the name of the yellowish-greenish doner spice that goes on a doner kebab?
Hello, I am currently in the hak (9th grade) and wanted to ask if you can study medicine after completing the HAK matura.
Small big brown is simply an espresso or two espressos with a dash of milk A Verlängerter is a small black coffee (i.e., simply an espresso) with the same amount of hot water as an espresso. In other words, it's a diluted espresso. What do you call small, large brown, long, and small, large black…
Heyyy So, I'm female, 16, and currently doing a year abroad in the Philippines. So far, everything's going pretty well. I just have to make the decisions for what's next. I want to do 11th and 12th grade in Germany again, but it hurts like hell to see my friends and so on graduating and…
The question above concerns my passport. Could I apply for it in Germany? I really like Switzerland, so…
Hi, I want to buy a few things from elgato in Holland and I'm wondering what the situation is with customs 👀 are the packages even checked since it's from the manufacturer and outside the EU?? Does anyone have any experience 😃? I look forward to your message
Für Österreich ist die Parademeldung der Streit um Mörtels Erbe:
Orbans Poltern in Brüssel – aber das tut er ja immer….
O bitte ! Keine Ursache ! Gern geschehen !
– Besuch Selenskyjs bei europäischen Regierungschefs (Stammer, Macron, Meloni, Scholz). Gestern Treffen mit Scholz.
Die Ampel hat wieder mal die Farbe gewechselt. Mal rot, mal gelb, mal grün, keiner weiß so recht, was da gerade los ist.
LG aus Tel Aviv
wie hältst du dich auf dem Laufenden? Schaust, hörst und/oder liest du keine Nachrichten?
Hier kannst du dich informieren:
Nichts Weltbewegendes.