Fiber optic expansion – contractual obligation by Telekom?


Telekom field staff were just at my place and said that since fiber optics had been rolled out on our street about six months ago, they wanted my customer number from my current internet provider, O2, and they wanted to take a look at the socket location in the apartment.

I was told that fiber optics would be pulled through the pipes and that we would therefore be under contract with Telekom for two years and after two years the line would be opened up to all providers.

He said we would get at least a 250mb line for 39,99€

When I showed him the bills from o2 and told him that we pay €14.99 for the 1gb line via cable, he said that Telekom couldn't cover it because the option wasn't available.

Now the question arises, do I have to agree with all of this?

I don't want to go to Telekom, nor do I want fiber optics, let alone pay more for less if I have no use for it.

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1 month ago

On the subject of external services,

Call at Deutsche Telekom, the foreign servicemen are often mülling here.

Well, I’ve been one last year. I think there’s glass fibre here, supposedly already expanded, on the street. Bzw. only offered me a V-DSL contract. I knew the lies. Last about 1 year ago, the paved stones were removed by the way. They only have one house, on the street. It was offered. Bzw. wasn’t our house. It’s been two houses.

Bzw. there are up to street distributor glass fiber, but on the road to 99% not.

Ask at Der Telekom whether glass fiber is really moved here

As well as, if necessary, let yourself know what it looks like

As well, you can, even if it should be right. If necessary, use the contract for the purposes of special notice. Bzw. go on a different line.

I mean, you can also take theoretically Vodafone /o2 (Cable). Deutsche Telekom has nothing to do with this.

or a third party. Option..but this is too expensive Skynet would go over satelit in internet.

1 month ago


there seems to be some confusion.

If you are a tenant, it is the owner’s/renter’s decision whether or not glass fiber is placed. In any case, it is meaningful not only to increase the value of the property. In a few years, the copper network is completely switched off. It is therefore useful to take the development right now, where it is already running as with you and is usually free of charge. And as regards prices, our current fiber tariffs are cheaper than comparable copper tariffs. However, what does not correspond to the facts is that as a tenant you have to switch to us when the building is opened with glass fiber. This can also be delegated to current providers.

As a owner, of course, you have the choice of whether you already order fiberglass or not. I can only advise not to wait until the last pusher – even ordering a pure house connection is possible, but first of all the orders that are ordered with tariff are processed.

It greets Wiebke

1 month ago

Careful, maybe the fake was

1 month ago

Even if it’s just a bit of a job, it’s the idea that this Telekom guy wants to pull you over the table? Ne ne, I believe in the word 😉