Harry Styles Tour 2023 at 15?
Hey, I'd like to go to Harry's concert in Düsseldorf next year, but I'll still be 15 and can't go without a parent or legal guardian. Does that mean I'd only be able to get into the arena with my parents?
Hey, I'd like to go to Harry's concert in Düsseldorf next year, but I'll still be 15 and can't go without a parent or legal guardian. Does that mean I'd only be able to get into the arena with my parents?
As far as I know, Enhypen has never performed in Germany. Do you think they might come in 2026/2027? I think Enhypen is really great and would love to see them live 🧡🧡 I'm not an Enhypen yet, but maybe that will happen
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask about your experience with the Lindemann ticket presale. Is it easier to get tickets there, or is it just as difficult as with Rammstein? Best regards
Hello, I'm going to Parookaville with my friends this year. There are four of us. We had planned to buy a gazebo from the shop on-site. However, the website says that gazebos are only allowed for five or more people. How strictly will this be enforced if we were to just buy one on site?…
Hey people, The Weeknd's concert is in Düsseldorf on Tuesday, and I want to buy tickets. I was wondering if you have any experience with the website Viagogo. Is it safe and trustworthy?
I'm trying to buy concert tickets on Facebook and I've already paid for the ticket, but now the buyer wants more. Is it true that I get my money back? Because I don't think it's safe and I don't dare pay $404. What do you think?
Who is actually the concertmaster of a wind orchestra? Would it then be the first solo flutist? Because in scores, the flute/piccolo is usually listed at the top…
Vielleicht findest du jemand in deiner näher, der über 18 ist und auch auf das Konzert will. Wenn deine Eltern zustimmen, könnt ihr einen Mittizettel ausfüllen und dann dürfte es keine Probleme mehr geben.
Ich war dieses Jahr auf seinem Konzert in Köln und bin auch 15. Ich hatte auch einen Muttizettel und wurde von meiner Cousine begleitet, jedoch haben die nichts kontrolliert.
Kommt auf die Regeln des Veranstalters an.
Ja dort steht das man unter 16 nicht ohne einen Erziehungsberechtigten (also personen ab 18) rein kann aber würde so gerne dorthin :(((
Na dann hast du doch deine Antwort.
Ja ich dachte nur das etwas übersehen habe oder so..