Can't decide between the Bang & Olufsen H95 and the Sonos Ace?
Have you ever tested either of the headphones and can you tell me exactly which one is better in terms of sound?
Have you ever tested either of the headphones and can you tell me exactly which one is better in terms of sound?
Hello, I have a strange problem: My microphone on my phone only works when I'm making a mobile call. My WhatsApp voice notes, my Snaps, etc., have no sound, regardless of whether I record with or without the AirPods. Does anyone have any ideas how I can solve this? I have an iPhone 11. Thanks.
Hello. I have a fog machine. It's an HQ Power smc 3000. The display on the control panel is very dim. When I press the output button, it goes out completely. No fog is produced either, even though the tank light indicates that the machine is heating up. Has anyone here ever had a problem…
I wanted to buy new headphones (or rather, for my birthday) and I have exactly 2 to choose from Over-ear headphones from Sony (they cost around €200 but are really good quality; my sister has them too. They have really good noise cancelling, which is also very important to me). or in-ear headphones from Apple,…
Are there mp3 or mp4 players that run on android and you can have apps etc. (one that looks similar to the one in the picture)
While listening to music, I suddenly noticed my headphones making a strange popping noise. Shortly afterward, they became warm, but only for a very short time. The headphones were relatively cheap. Should I be worried they'd explode?
Hello, I noticed that my right AirPod is very, very quiet when I take it out. The first day I noticed it, the AirPod made strange bass noises (like the bass was turned up much higher than the rest of the music, if that makes sense. Very unpleasant), but within 30 seconds, it sounded like…
Kann mich da nur anschließen, das musst du selbst testen was dir klanglich besser gefällt. Ich werf nach mal noch den Beyerdynamic Aventho 300 in den Raum
Ich hab noch keinen der beiden gehört, aber ich hab mich in der letzten Zeit auch mit KH befasst.
Du musst für dich selbst entscheiden, welcher dir besser gefällt. Zum einen gibt es ja unterschiedliche Vorlieben. Der eine will viel Bass, der andere weniger. Gleiches gilt für die Mitten und die Höhen.
Und dann kommt es auch noch drauf an, was du hören willst. Willst du Techno hören? Heavy Metal? Einen Podcast?
Bin nur Pop Musik Fan
Klang ist immer ein subjektives Empfinden. Daher solltest du sie dir selber im Fachhandel anhören.