Antibiotics and irregular use. Problematic?


I have had to take Amoxicillin 750 mg 3 times a day since Wednesday afternoon.

I asked the pharmacy again, and only after asking did the pharmacist confirm the dosage. I also asked if there were any problems with dairy products or what I should be aware of, and she simply replied, "No, I would have told you." In any case, I took the first tablet shortly before 12 on Wednesday, then again that evening around 9 p.m. and the next morning shortly before 8 a.m. Afterward, I began to experience circulatory problems, such as weakness, restlessness, and malaise, but these didn't last long.

In the afternoon, my heart palpitations, malaise, and mild nausea returned. I called 116 117, who advised me to go to the on-call doctor. I waited there for almost four hours. But they couldn't find anything wrong there either. Since I hadn't taken the antibiotic since that morning, I asked the doctor what I should do, and she said I should take it right away at home and then again later that evening. So I took it around 8 p.m. on Thursday and then again around 1:30 a.m. Yesterday I took it around 9 a.m., then at 1:30 p.m., and again around 8 p.m. Today around 10 a.m.

Now my question is, because I read online that you should take it every 8 hours, whether the "irregular" is problematic.

Because the package insert doesn't say anything about the intervals and the pharmacist didn't say anything either.

My symptoms have already improved. I still have mucus, and one of my frontal sinus sinus ache has been hurting, but it only started last night. I saw the doctor yesterday who prescribed the antibiotic, and she told me I looked better than I did on Wednesday.

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9 months ago

Regular intake of antibiotics is the ideal condition, slight irregularities do not mean that the drug loses its effect. One would like to prevent resistance from forming.

9 months ago
Reply to  Johanmiller

I’ll write you what I know. According to my own experience, you will also be reliably healthy with antibiotic displacements, but you should be as good as keeping the process as described. Never take twice the amount when you forgot to take it, but this is the case with any medication. For your problems with high blood pressure go and all other deep questions go to your family doctor and ask him.

9 months ago

Now my question is because I have read on the net that you should take it every 8 hours, whether the “unregular” is problematic.

Yes, the level of the active ingredients should be as constant as possible over the time of administration.
At three doses daily, the best distance is 8 hours plus/minus 30 minutes.

9 months ago
Reply to  Johanmiller

Yes, it is usually recommended to take food because it is best to do it.

9 months ago

What manufacturer?

9 months ago

1-2 tablets3 times a dayChildren, teenagers and adults (over 40 kg body weight) at a distance of 8 hours, regardless of meal Source

I don’t know what you’re talking about.