Make your own plastic star?
I would like to make a Herrnhut star out of plastic. What type of plastic would be best for this?
I would like to make a Herrnhut star out of plastic. What type of plastic would be best for this?
Hello, I've been trying to teach myself how to crochet for a few days. I've only crocheted a few test pieces, experimenting with the different stitches. Now I'm trying to crochet a blanket, but it's curling and looks more like a semicircle. Why is that? Thank you in advance. Best regards
Hi guys, in art class, I have to redesign the painting "Bedroom in Arles." I'm doing this with watercolors. But now I'm faced with the question of how to paint a window with watercolors. Yellow isn't pretty, and how should I paint it white? Attached is a picture of my redesign. Best regards
How expensive would it be?
Hello I am looking for high quality paper suitable for watercolors. My current one has great quality but isn't 100% white, which bothers me when scanning. Maybe someone of you knows really white paper that can withstand a lot of water and can be painted finely
Hello dear Gutefrage community, Christmas is coming soon, and my two uncles from Hamburg are coming to visit us. I'd like to give them a self-painted picture (acrylic on canvas) for Christmas. Or a small sculpture (about 20 cm). They have a "pedestal," if you can call it that, in their apartment. A block, maybe…
Hello, Which glue is stronger, hot glue or Pritt Alles glue, if you want to stick two surfaces together? Thank you
I would take a rather stiff transparent film. Somewhere I had read about “Kunstglas” made of PVC, which was recommended for the production of similar objects. The edges were pinched for bending and treated with THF for smoothing and welding. Unfortunately, with a simple search, I don’t find the one I thought of.
My father had built a similar star of coloured cardboard. He had constructed the inner structure in such a way that it does not cast any shadow. Such stars may also be made of parchment paper, which is then painted in colour. Then they would only be suitable for dry places.