Kann man Schwanger werden bevor man seine Tage bekommt?

Ich habe mit einem Kondom + sie mit der Pille verhütet und sie hat ihre tage bekommen. Ich weiß das die chance sehr gering ist schwanger zu sein. Ich habe gerade angst ob sie schwanger ist weil ich bin mir nicht sicher ob sie wirklich ihre tage bekommen hat. Wir haben ein one night stand gehabt.

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2 years ago

Hello Hassan436

If your girlfriend takes the pill regularly, does not break, does not have a diarrhea and does not take any medication that affects the effect of the pill, has taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (does not apply to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not last longer than 7 days and at the latest on 8. Continues day with the pill (applies to most pills), then it is also protected in the pause (in which you get a bleeding and no period) and immediately thereafter (so uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1% relate according to expert opinion to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors). In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that’s true to your girlfriend, she can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if you are both healthy you can dispense with the condom and you can also come into it.

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Ask her if she got her days.

2 years ago

Not pregnant