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DJ Bobo knows everyone.
The minstrels don’t know anyone anymore, they had a hit with “Frau Stirnimaa” that was dulled up and down for weeks.
The band Gotthard is coming in. I find it very bad that today the 80s Band Double no one knows.
DJ Bobo
Beatrice Egli
Luca Hänni
These are the top 3, where the younger DJ Bobo vllt(bald) no longer know.
Spontaneously, in a picture, DJ Bobo was probably more familiar.
Stefanie Heinzmann
DJ Bobo
Beatrice Egli
Dieter Meier (Yello)
Vico Torriani
In Christian circles Debora Sita and the ICF band.
The smelled DJ Bobo followed by Beatrice Egli
Oohyea shiga shiga.
DJ Bobo and Paola
dj bobo
Francine Jordi
Tina Turner of course:)
Since she has lived in Switzerland, before in Cologne, she does not make music.
How can you just come up with the idea that she is a musician from Switzerland?
Because she has a Swiss passport and not another nationality.
Was Heinz Erhardt then a Russian or a Latvian comedian?
And if you do one on Rumpelstielzchen or sleep a head stand and foam with your legs, your answer is more than nonsense.
Probably Michael Schumacher is also a former Swiss F1Pilot, or how?😳
As I said, she is Swiss and known as a musician 🙂
As I said, she doesn’t make music anymore since she lives in Switzerland!