Vinted Betrug über Paypal?
Ich habe etwas auf Vinted gekauft, leider über Paypal. Jetzt steht dort das der Account des Verkäufers gesperrt ist, weswegen ich nicht mehr mit ihm kommunizieren kann. Das Geld ist jetzt leider schon abgeschickt und leider auch noch ohne irgendeinen Käuferschutz da es ja auf Paypal geschickt wurde auf Freunde&Familie. Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit wieder an das Geld zu kommen?
Not via PayPal.
Your payment by PayPal Family and Friends you have in the sense of PayPal yes Money gift made only for a family member or a friend and thus very conscious for your buyer protection; and you have also brought PayPal to the normally due fees.
Criminal law is not without:
Click: StGB §263
PayPal will therefore not help you in any way because of your violation of their terms of use, which can even avoid you.
You can, of course, reimburse ad, but yourself where: the perpetrator should be determined, which is extremely unlikely, then you have not yet returned your money:
That’s what you can do civil law request or claim, cost risk with you.
Click: Make Right (adjust to your own needs!)
Click: online application
As an alternative, you could also Adhesive procedures apply.
Do you have his mail that you paid to PayPal? Then try to communicate with him.
The money is irreplaceable awaybecause you’re conscious weed have.
You also violated the Paypal Terms of Use.
Are you full-year?