Verheimlichen mir meine Eltern etwas?
Ich vertraue meinen Eltern dabei nicht wirklich. Letztens kam erst raus das sie mir ein jahr lang Ernährungspulver in essen gemischt haben. Ansich ja nicht schlimm aber sie hätten es nicht hinter meinen Rücken machen sollen. Immerhin bin ich auch schon 16.
Jetzt hinterfragen ich ob sie mir noch mehr verheimlichen. Mir fallen bei mir viele Sachen auf die bei keinen anderen sind. Ich zupfe an meiner lippe bis es blutet (höre aber nicht immer auf wenn es blutet, ist so ne Art Sucht seit den kindergarten) ich kann in meinen Gesicht zwar Emotionen Zeigen aber nicht wie jeder andere. Mein Gesicht ist meistens wie eingefroren. Ich bin einfach mit alles anders als bei anderen, das muss doch irgendeinen Ursprung haben.
(PS.Ich bin auch immer extrem hubbelig und hyperaktiv. Ich kann nie 2 Minuten ruhig sitzen. Ausserdem bin ich ziemlich untergewichtig, was meinem Hausarzt aber scheinbar egal ist. Zumindest sagt er nie etwas dazu.)
Zu mir: Ich bin mit einer seltenen genetischen Krankheit geboren wodurch ich kleinwüchsig bin und eine Sprachstörungen habe. Denke aber nicht dass es zusammen hängt.
Oft habe ich das Gefühl sie würden mir etwas wichtiges verheimlichen was ich schon immer habe. Ich erzähle ihnen vieles auch nicht mehr.
Brauche mal eine Meinung von jemand parteilosen.
Danke für jede andwort🥰🩵
Hm, so I know your feeling, the question “what’s wrong with me?”
I had them for a long time as a teen, and sometimes later. I then read a lot about psychology, about various “study” and “seins-forms” like Asperger etc.
And yes, some of them hit me in a spot. So, I could find groups that were at least partly the same as me.
The question is: do you want that?
Think about it! If you want to discover “staffs”, you have to live with it. Some are then relieved to know what is actually going on, why everyone else could always x and they could not, others are then shamed or retreat and believe that they would have to hide the “stort” with all power in front of the world, so bend.
What you’re describing could sometimes be a consequence of stress. Lip pulling is like fingernail chews or hair chews. You often start it unconsciously in stress, pressure, overload. During childhood and youth, this stress can also be something “big bananas” which makes it no less justified. For example, it could be the stress that you put too much pressure in sports or in school because you think you should be particularly good to get recognition. Or you’re ashamed because you don’t have enough friends or not the one, outstanding gifts that are supposed to have all the others. Or there are always situations in the family that accumulate one, for example, is mentioned at every witness, but the mathsote must become better next year and one believes not to be able to understand math at all.
These are all not “masons” and yet such situations can be severely burdened.
On the other hand, there’s nothing to talk about. If you really feel it’s really good for you, don’t think it’s different.
But it can really be that you have stress without remembering it. That you experience certain challenges as normal, but the body realizes that you are overwhelmed and then lets the stress out by lip pulling etc.
The Mimik KÖNNTE indicate the trains of Asperger. Could really mean it’s a conceivable explanation, not the only possible one! And “conveyor” means that you can also have only individual or weakened parts of this “interface”!
My brother had e.g. Downsyndrom and more has never been examined, but he cried around with a fly-slide, often beaten with his hand against the chin repeatedly and was able to identify with a look from a bunch of identical-looking playmobile males missing (and they all had no hair or hands anymore, so that was really difficult). These are rather aspects that would be assigned to the autism spectrum, in my knowledge. Rather untypical for Downsyndrom.
So, you can have shares of different “diagnoses”. I find it hard to find a word for it because it could also be about things like high sensitivity. One perceives so much that a certain situation or quite normal procedures are overwhelmed.
Regarding your parents:
Sit down with them, say that you’re bad, because after that, you’re worried about the powder that you’re not going to be silent. Say that it would be more important for you to know if necessary than to be protected. Ask if you can go to a doctor, therapists, consultants, neutral mediators (relatives, etc.) if the parents don’t dare to tell you this alone. Also say that you have intensively dealt with yourself and now have many questions that urgently need an answer. And that you’ve built a lot of mistrust through the powder thing.
I had a relative who came to the nursing home and became bedridden. And then again and again had phases of food refusal. He couldn’t say why. In some cases, there were real swallowing disorders, partly ecles for unknown reason. We were told by the nursing home that he had to drink more and eat more! We had already had someone in the family who, according to the doctor, was “starved and thirsted” (but still alive).
In de rSituation, you act as a member of ALL so that the affected person takes calories (or water)! And yes, protein powder is also mixed in the pudding. Have lunch every day. Towed all to candy because they were still eaten. Came daily in 2 layers to infiltrate a bottle of drinking food so that the person concerned eats something at all.
If your parents did, if they were really worried that you would slip into a strong underweight without intervention, I could understand it a bit far. Ask her if it was. Whether they had the feeling of talking would only lead to refusal, but at the same time the pressure that you ESSEN MUSST to survive.
I got this in the family three times, every time we were really scared and overwhelmed. You don’t want to see how someone gets confused because he doesn’t drink anything and develops persecution. As someone decreases so strongly that one sees the ribs and the thigh is thin as a forearm, and the one who thinks a tube and an apple a day would suffice. It’s scared. This fear can actually lead to crossing borders, considering whether physical health or trust is more important. If I don’t go beyond his will, maybe next year he won’t be there.
And in such a situation one is usually completely helpless and overwhelmed without an expert and then also exceeds personal limits.
If it happened to your parents, it’s not nice, but you might be able to create a new beginning for a trust base by letting everyone explain his position and trying to understand the others.
If you’re 16, you can talk to your pediatrician or pediatrician yourself and let you explain exactly what it has with your illness. You can also ask what it has on it with the plucking on the lip. where there could be a connection.
We can’t know that, but I suggest you ask your parents when you sit together.
We can’t know if they’re hiding something.