Warum sagen so viele das wasabi scharf ist?

Ich habe etwa eine halbe Hand Wasabi gegessen und es war überhaupt nicht scharf, nur ein Stechen auf der Zunge

Ist das alles oder hab ich ein Problem mit Geschmack?

Also krank oder nicht

Oder normal

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1 year ago

Oh, yeah, he’s hot. Not so that it rubs your eyes on you, but it stimulates and kicks the endorphins.

Did you have it fresh or the white powder?

If you had anything else, I’d check the ingredients list first. You’ll be happy to report here.

1 year ago

Look at the pack.

Wasabi is expensive. What you can buy here as Wasabi is actually a normal horseradish that you have colored green. But that has nothing to do with real Wasabi.

1 year ago
Reply to  Derpapapti

Mostly in Sushi restaurants.

1 year ago
Reply to  BitteDankeUSW

Even in Japan, real wasabi is rarely achieved. The commercially available Wasabi is a Merrettich Mustard mixture with in best case 2% Wasabi. When you buy it as a powder and mix it fresh, the first half hour is a ballet on your tongue. Then leave the essential oils quickly.

1 year ago

Ask the restaurant if you have ECHTEN Wasabi.

Many Germans think they eat sharply, but if they really eat what Asians eat, most of them would tip off the chair. The kitchen was therefore made to Germany and Europe adapted, usually this is no more original Asian cuisine.

1 year ago

yes everyone feels differently some find it sharp some find it is not sharp

1 year ago

it wasn’t sharp at all, just a bit on the tongue

This is the definition of sharp

1 year ago

What you get offered in D as Wasabi is basically only green-coloured horseradish. Fresh Wasabi grows only in Japan on rivers, fresh it would be in D approx. Cost 200 to 300 euros and die quickly.

Probably your green-coloured horseradish was diluted or old.

1 year ago
Reply to  odine

In the meantime, we can also buy and grow waste plants in Germany. However, it lasts forever – under always optimal conditions – until you can harvest first stems.