Weicher Stuhlgang, warum?
ich hatte heute morgen nach dem Aufstehen weicheren Stuhlgang als sonst (kein Durchfall) und dann nach dem Frühstück nochmal genauso weich aber noch “geformt”. Ich habe gestern nichts außergewöhnliches gegessen also das was ich meistens immer so esse.
Woran könnte es liegen?
Danke schon mal für eure Antworten
Your body sometimes reacts to something. Your chemistry in the body has changed slightly. This is sometimes enough to change the air (for a trip as an example). That’s normal and you don’t have to worry about it. Maybe you drank more yesterday than usual? Anything.
In case of diarrhea that lasts a few days, you should first worry.
diarrhea, as I said, it is not only a softer stool
Right – I read. So you don’t have to worry. Drink enough, move today and eat healthy. That’s all I can guess.
Thank you, yes then I will try this
The stool can change from day to day. I don’t see the problem, sorry….
Okay then I had a little panic
Hey, how are you now?