Oma hat kein Geld für Essen gehen zum Geburtstag ( Sonntag ) was nun?
Oma ( 87 ) ist zu schwach und schafft nur mit Hilfe den Einkauf, sie kann nicht für 10 Personen kochen und hat auch nicht das Geld wieder 250 – 300€ auszugeben für Essen gehen? Das ist ihre halbe Rente.
Was schlagt ihr vor?
Well, if Grandma doesn’t have any money, it’s gonna be fine.
Seriously now?
It may be that this is her last birthday, and you’re riding on the fact that the host has to invite the guests?
Just to make the old woman a pleasure, I would either put the money inside the family together and go to the restaurant together or organize a meal at short notice and bring it to the birthday boy.
At the age it can always be the last birthday ..
at any age it can be the last birthday. Children and adolescents can also die of illness, accident or suicide or murder
Then don’t worry about your question. The chances seem to be good that you don’t experience your grandma’s birthday anymore, because you bite the grass before.
The likelihood of 87, however, is much higher… Furthermore, one also helps young families members in need
You go before the evening and cook a large pot Chili con/sin carne. The other side of the relationship brings a bit of baguette and a dessert.
You could invite her to eat. Or everyone’s bringing something to dinner.
Or you only drink coffee together. If 2 or 3 people bake cakes, this is enough and is not expensive
You could make a buffet yourself as a family and give it to your birthday. She has no work and no costs. If everyone takes a part, it’s possible.
At 9 guests I hope that there are at least 2 if not 3 children and that they can pay the birthday for their 87-year-old mother with a small pension.
Otherwise, it would be much too annoying to cook for 10 people if you don’t have the appropriate premises (table for 10?) and stand on that!
Then you should do your guests together, pay your food & drinks yourself and give their share.
How about a ride party?
Instead of gifts, everyone brings something to food and to drink. What remains belongs to Grandma. 😊👍
I’d be preparing and bringing everything. That’s what Grandma deserves.
maybe you invite her? So that all guests pay their own food and everyone still kind of ten euros or depending on how many you are more/less. Then it goes that they don’t have to pay for themselves. Or if you’re a few more households, make sure that you bring a small charcoal grill and coal, the other one makes a salad or something, and everyone brings what he wants to have on the grill for yourself. And your grandma can come with one of you while shopping or tell yourself what she would like to eat before. Or you just meet for coffee.
Maybe you should tell the grandma the birthday, cook for them and invite them to dinner. At 87, she deserved it.
invite Grandma to eat or cook for them
Then bake a cake and cook for them. What else? Does it have to be a giant sack every time this poor woman is so fragile?
Why doesn’t IHR just organize the celebration for the grandma – so to speak as a birthday present to them?
What do you think she would look forward to?
Then you cook the feast. Or pay in the restaurant Why should the grandma pay this?
You can pay the food together as a gift.
Because he’s paid, he’s got his birthday and invites the guests.
The host gets gifts too.
If the grandma has no money, she is invited, so easy
what use many gifts when they don’t have money, for your grandma it is a suggestion for 10 people to cook, there are many good answers, including these here.
Oh, my God… then you’ll give Grandma the birthday! Don’t be so inconvenient.
How about the relationship invite the grandma?
What any normal person would do: invite the grandma.
I don’t understand the problem. Then the love relationship just melts together and ensures that Grandma has a beautiful birthday without having to cook herself or spend money.
There are plenty of possibilities: from cooking even at the grandma, bringing party with cake to the invitation of the grandma to the restaurant everything is possible.
The relatives invite them to dinner because of their birthday.
Or they buy themselves, cook and bake, just as Grandma wants and decorate everything.
Why is that even a question?
Hopefully you don’t expect your grandma to invite you and cook at age?
It should be self-evident that you organize the party for your grandma! If you don’t have time to cook yourself: everyone should pay their own food in the restaurant, and the food for your grandma is shared by you.
You could cook for them or alternatively invite them to eat.
My grandma used to cook for the whole family (25 people), meanwhile she is hard and everyone prepares what we order and little things we always get good at 🙂
Your grandma has untreatable cancer, it is no longer good for her and it is suspected that this is the last birthday she will experience.
Honestly, your egoistic question is turning my language.
The idea might sound crazy, but let me talk. Everyone pays his own food and the grandma is invited to the birthday. Maybe Grandma can still bake a cake.
Then the kids and grandchildren invite the dear grandma to dinner for your birthday in a chic restaurant!
You can share your account.
After dinner, a round went to the green and then get some coffee. After that you bring the dear Grandma back home and she had a wonderful birthday with her family!!
How does that sound? My suggestion to you!
Just bring something to dinner and celebrate together.
I would never expect a person to offer me food that cannot afford it
Grandma invite, party celebration 🥳
The fact that the guests simply bring something to eat if you want to eat with your grandma. Or someone else invites the Famille deputyly. For example, an aunt or something. Eating would be much more expensive.
I suggest that the guests who want to celebrate with her cook for everyone or invite them to dinner.
Load your grandma! Or cook for you!
Hm. It’s her birthday. In fact, it is made that you celebrate and host the guests who have their birthday.
It’s… Think about your grandma is very old. Every birthday can be her last. Make memories for you as long as possible. So get the Ars..h out of the armchair and prepare your grandma the best birthday she ever had!
exceptional situations require exceptional measures
Eating dinner together doesn’t cost so much.
Cheese Sausage Fruit Vegetable Sticks Fresh Cheese
This is cheap and tasty and everyone can take what he wants.
It would be normal if you were to invite your grandma to dinner together before you buy any crap she doesn’t need anymore.
How about you pay all this? 10 people who are invited by someone who has no money anyway are already extremely asi.
The family invites Grandma to eat – otherwise everyone pays for themselves.
Or you are organising a “Bottle Party” at Grandma or one of the descendants. Everyone brings something for the buffet with ….. or one of you (at home) the food for everyone.
This is quite clear what you do: the family talks and every family part organizes a court or a gang at home and then you eat together at Grandma. The alternative, if you have a little more money, would be that you invite grandma to dinner. This is all even more sensible than any dust collector gifts.
you conjure something with Omi in the kitchen, Mommy can also help and the other siblings