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The last new foundations of cities in Germany were created in the area reform in the early 1970s. As I look into the area only in Lower Saxony, the newly educated communities are here:
Seevetal: Founded in 1972 from a merger of several villages with 2016: 43.128 inhabitants.
Weyhe: Founded in 1974 from a merger of several villages with 2012: 30.056 inhabitants.
Wedemark: Founded in 1974 from a merger of several villages with 2012: 28.579 inhabitants.
Moormerland: Founded in 1973 from a merger of several villages with 2012: 22.553 inhabitants.
Burgwedel: Founded in 1974 from a merger of several villages with 2012: 20.333 inhabitants.
Many other tiny villages were put together at the time. Mostly the new place got the name of one of the previously tiny villages, as in Lower Saxony:
Bersenbrück: 1968: 4,300 inhabitants, the total municipality 2012: 28,021 inhabitants.
Tostedt: 1968: 4850 inhabitants, the total municipality 2012: 25.059 inhabitants.
Mines: 1968: 1830 inhabitants, the total municipality 2012: 20.423 inhabitants.
there are many more and to some new communities I find nothing, except the data after the municipal reform.
The last cities in Germany:
Leverkusen: Foundation 1929 with then approx. 43,000 inhabitants.
Solingen: 1929 Settlement and new buildings with then 139,359 inhabitants.
Wolfsburg: villages with around 1930: 800 inhabitants will become a planned city with 6797 inhabitants in 1938.
Salzgitter: Villages with some over 2,000 inhabitants together are merged in 1929 into a city which counted 45,598 inhabitants in 1939.
New districts are still being built on the “green meadow”. At the outskirts of Hanover, the Kronsrode district is rebuilt:
I can’t imagine it, and I don’t have an example.
A complete infrastructure would have to be rebuilt.
If then new building areas (from existing places) are identified or a so-called. Recompression on free surfaces within the locations.
In recent completely new places I can only remember at the end of the “cold war” when many former barracks were no longer needed. Examples of this are Pattonville near Ludwigsburg or Freiburg Vauban.
Yes, in Germany this is rarely the case, but in America, Australia, Africa and Asia this is quite common. Z.b. When a new raw material source is discovered. Or if a declamation or a sect settles on earth.
It depends on what you understand under foundation. If one assumes the distribution of a city right alone, there is:
List of German town foundations/21. Century – Wikipedia
Otherwise the village Hitzacker was founded about 8 years ago. The town of Hitzacker has been there for a while and residents have created a new village outside.
Hitzacker/Dorf eG – The Intercultural Generationendorf (
Yes, for example. It’s only since 2018. However, the individual areas are much older.
Not quite new, but new villages have e.g. been created in the Rhine-based brown coal area due to excavation of villages by relocation.
Look here: coal/2022_heated_home_relocations_im_Rheinland.pdf
Very rare. Basically, a lot of things are summarized under a new name.
No, because of the infrastructures, only new areas will be created!
Are you next to New York, New York?
Not in Germany.