When to drive a car?
When can I drive again? I had three or four mishaps yesterday at Carnival, and I'm on probation. My last one was around 8:30 p.m.
When can I drive again? I had three or four mishaps yesterday at Carnival, and I'm on probation. My last one was around 8:30 p.m.
Hey guys, I wanted to ask a question. I live near Poland, on the border in Brandenburg, and here you can ride a Simson at 15, so you need to get a moped license. So I want to go to Poland with some friends to meet up with some other friends. Is that even allowed?
Hey, we were just driving through Bremen on the A27 toward Cuxhaven and were probably going too fast when we saw the speed camera. We didn't see any flashes and thought we weren't caught, but we were going too fast… but do you actually see the flash when you're caught?
Is it legal to drive like this? The brakes work perfectly and the footrest is bent but still firm and it can still fold up and the handbrake lever is bent but still works normally.
Hello, I'm 15 and will soon be getting my AM driver's license and would like to drive a moped instead of a scooter. However, I'm not sure if you're allowed to drive one at 15 in Lower Saxony. if any of you know, please tell me Thank you in advance!
Hey 🙂 I've had my driver's license since yesterday and today I drove my mum's car (not the driving school car) for the first time. Everything was just a little different than usual and I often drove about 10 km/h too slowly, simply because I don't feel that comfortable with the car yet and prefer…
Probably now. If you want to go, wait a few more hours.
0.0 Promille. Right? Wait till tomorrow.