MRI knee findings?

Hello! I had an MRI scan and received the results, but the text is very vague. Could you perhaps tell me exactly what the doctor meant by this and what it means for me now, whether or not I can exercise again?

"Mucoid degeneration of the pars intermedia and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus with subtle horizontal hyperintense internal signals without detectable superficial tear formation."


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1 year ago

Mukoide degeneration of the pars intermedia and the hind horn of the meniscus lateralis:

“Mukoid degeneration” means that there are changes in the meniscus (a cartilage-like tissue in the knee) that could indicate a collection of slimy liquids. These changes could occur due to wear or aging.

Soft horizontal hyperintense internal signals:

“Horizontal” means that these changes are horizontal.

“Hyperintens” means that these areas appear brighter on the MRT image than the surrounding tissue. This could mean that these areas in the meniscus have a different composition than normal tissue. These changes could indicate liquid accumulations, fiber cracks or other structural changes in the meniscus.

Without proof:

This part of the finding states that no further specific signs were found for certain problems. There are no clear signs of cracks, inflammation or other serious damage in the meniscus.

Please correct me for mistakes,
Whether and how much sports you can do with it, please talk to your attending physician – who has the pictures.

1 year ago

It’s not veiled, it’s a medical language.

No crack, but (older usual) wear.

Your doctor will explain it You should have the next appointment you should have.

Because you’re having trouble first, make sure you’re in touch with a doctor.

1 year ago

This is not written, but medical language. That’s what you want. Just wait for the meeting date and ask yourself questions that still lie on your heart by then. In the conversation one would like to forget the one or the other question.

And if you don’t understand, just ask if you can explain it again. A good doctor will take the time for it.


1 year ago

For this, there are doctors who pass the findings with you and initiate corresponding therapeutic measures.

1 year ago

The findings also go to your family doctor who will explain this to you and can judge what you need to pay attention.

Good luck!