What could shaky hands indicate?
For example, cancer?
For example, cancer?
wanted to know
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It’s called Tremor. There are different types:
Isn’t Parkinson still possible? It is also a very light trembling more like a weak feeling on the hands when I tap bsp on the pc etc.
My left hand trembles, for example, because Elle and Speiche had broken through to the left.
In medical gymnastics, the wrist was not turned. 👏
Parkinson, tension, stress, freezing, caffeine excess, otherwise
My glass ball taps Parkinson or withdrawal symptoms (drugs)
That sounds like a hypochondriatic attack;-)
There are numerous causes for a tremor.
Yes that was or is really it had also feared that it is Parkison but think with 16 rather unlikely…
Turn to your doctor, but not for cancer or Parkinson, but for hypochondria.
Too much. But not on cancer…