When can I take the early test?

Good evening, I urgently need your help, please no unnecessary comments, I'm really desperate right now.

I had sex 5 days ago last Saturday. The condom broke and he came inside me. We took the morning after pill that same evening, but unfortunately the pill broke in my mouth (but I swallowed it all anyway) and now I'm worried about whether the pill helped at all since it broke up and I couldn't swallow it whole. Yesterday I had a light reddish bleed. My cycle is always different but I'm usually between 33 and 56 days long, so the latest day was the 56th day after my last period. My last period was between November 17 and 20.

I worry so much every day, I can hardly sleep… I don't know when I could take a pregnancy test. The internet always says something different…

Please help before I go crazy..

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1 year ago

A pregnancy test is reliable from 19 days after the traffic in question.

Why 19 days?

Because sperms in the woman can wait up to five days for ovulation, fertilization can take place up to five days after the traffic in question – if ovulation takes place during this period.

After fertilization it takes about five days until the fertilized egg has nested in the womb.

Pregnancy tests react to HCG in urine, which is only produced at all from the EINNISTING.

However, it takes about 9 days after the implantation until the HCG content in the urine is reliably high enough for a test.

Thus, it results: a maximum of 5 days from sex to fertilization + 5 days until incubation + 9 days until the HCG value is definitely high enough = 19 days for a truly reliable result.

But your cycles are really quite irregular with a fluctuation of all 23 days and the bleeding period seems relatively short to me. Have you ever been to the doctor to explain this?