Kinesio tape or scar?

My best friend is coming to visit tomorrow; we haven't seen each other in a few months.

During those months, I broke my hand and had surgery. Now everything is fine.

My boyfriend is always very worried about me. Now there are three options:

  1. I put kinesiology tape on it, and then the response is always, "If everything's fine, why do you have tape on it?"
  2. I won't put any tape on it, because then he'll see the scar (it looks really bad, but it isn't). Then he'll worry about the scar.
  3. I'm covering the scar with makeup. I've tried that before, and the makeup is clearly visible.

I've told him a thousand times that everything is fine, but he doesn't believe me and keeps bringing up the subject. I know him.

Which option is more likely to convey "I'm really fine!"? It's so banal, but I just don't want him to worry, and I don't want to talk about it all the time either :/

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Thomas Richter
6 months ago

I would take variant 2, even in the knowledge that he will see them anyway, because the scars never disappear again. And when he crows, he simply tells him that everything is good again and throws something with your hand in the area to the demonstration, then you just change the theme and the thing is eaten. And if he insists on the subject you can say something like “meeei, that’s been months since, if you hadn’t said anything, I would have forgotten that there was ever something… (…)”

6 months ago

Two. And move the hand normally.

6 months ago

I would leave it normal and tell him to believe why you should lie and so