Periode kommt nicht?
Hallo, vom 24-28 September hatte ich meinen erste Blutung. Sie war leicht, und ich hatte nur ein paar leichte Krämpfe. Doch jetzt habe ich sie immer noch nicht. Ich wohne bei meinem Vater und die Bindung zu meiner Mutter ist nicht ganz so toll. Kann mir eine Frau helfen? Muss ich zum Arzt. Ich mache mir Sorgen.
PS: Habe seit 4 Tagen Rückenschmerzen.
Ich freue mich über Antworten 🙂
Hello MickyLovy
This is normal in the first years and you don’t need to worry, because your body has to get used to the new situation. It will take some time to get your days halfway regularly. It can take months to get your next rule. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Thank you, for the nice answer
Thanks for the star
You’re welcome
No, you don’t have to worry.
In the beginning, the body needs something to adjust to the new hormonal situation, which is quite normal. Your peiode will always get irregular over the next few months. You better write it up.
Okay. Thank you
Don’t worry, in the first months, years the cycle plays and is often irregular.
You don’t need a doctor first.
If you still have totally irregular cycles after half a year, you can imagine a female doctor.
Good for you.
Thank you
It does not come regularly at the beginning, it can also be good that you have the next period only in a few months. It takes a long time to get involved.
Thank you!
The period is very irregular at the beginning, you do not need to worry so much