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5 months ago

How can I try to be less insulted?

I don’t understand what you mean.

Distraction might help a little. Or such phrases like “sweep on” or, snow of yesterday ” or something. Less insulted can be an important step to improve your emotional health and relationships.

·Self-reflection: Consider why certain things offend you. Often the triggers are associated with personal uncertainties or experiences.

Change of perspective: Try to see the situation from the point of view of the other person. Often people do not have evil intentions, but act from ignorance or stress.

·Communication: Openly talk about your feelings when you feel insulted. Instead of attacking, share with you how certain words or actions affect you.

·Atem techniques: If you notice that you feel quickly attacked, breathe deeply and give you a moment to react. This can help to avoid impulsive reactions.

Put boundaries: Identify people or situations that often insult you and consider whether you can set limits or withdraw from these situations.

Hope I could help you. produkt️

5 months ago
Reply to  STARSTABLE1693

Thanks for the star ⭐

5 months ago

I can understand you if someone hurts you with words and humiliates you that you are internally dense and insulted.

I’ve been there in a couple of years. Over the years, however, there has been so much worse that I subsequently wondered why I was even excited about such things.

This will also come with your life experience and if you focus on your priorities, how important is what is insulting you? Then you will certainly often find amazement that the person, or the said person, have no importance.

Good for you.