Was gibt es alles so sowohl für: (Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede) zwischen sowohl: (dem High-Funktion-Autismus und dem Low-Funktion-Autismus) Syndrom?
sowohl: (Bildungsfrage, Forschungsfrage, Geistesfrage, Gesellschaftsfrage und Wissensfrage) siehe oben.
I had no desire to explain everything myself, because I had to do it more often. functional labels (High/Low-Fuctioning/Fuction-Autism/Autism) are more bad than right. They don’t bring anything to an autist. We really don’t have to try to split autists into any group.
High-Functioning-Autism does not even exist. In most cases, the term “high-masking autism” is the correct term.
Likewise, such labels – as so often – try to spread the misinformation that one might be “more” or “less” autistic. One could have “lighter” or “higher” autism.
But autism is and was never a linear spectrum, but can be represented much better by a circular diagram. And a fan bag is no longer a pigeon than a spring dust. And Autist A is no more or less autist than Autist B, C, D, E, …
The problem is also that there are so many people who are neither high nor low-functioning. Autism is a dynamic disability.
You could simply ask what an autistic person differs from the next autistic person. But this question would also be difficult to answer, as we are at least as diverse as neurotypical people. Your question is not to answer. What distinguishes an autist from the other autist? Well, character, experiences, the level of support you get as an autistic person, Sensory Environment, possible co-diagnoses,/comorbidities your own past, culture, the country in which you grew up, the financial situation as the autism shows (the last link I posted here in the answer has some good examples to illustrate this better), …