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You can meet.
You can compare things.
You can calculate when something will happen.
Not really! Only in very rare cases.
In the astronomy area, this goes without problems. The behaviour of people can also be predicted in principle.
Navigation in the car is also based on time measurements. GPS would not be possible without time and time measurements.
I said yes “due”
also the influence of people only works very conditionally…
Even if the time is relative one can predict Suns on and Downs, for example.
And if you look at behavioral economics a little bit then you will see that you can influence people very well that happens every day in the supermarket and e.g. by publishing election forecasts.
The navigation is not about the traffic jam but the calculation of the position where you are. The position can only be determined with GPS by extremely exact time measurements.
condition yes. By the way, time is relative. We’ve known since Einstein. Even the light is “tired” and thus leaves a wide margin for speculation.
also that is relative. A traffic jam, for example, is not even previewed in a navigation. Conclusion: there is no absolute value.
Time is an illusion. And we humans are trapped in it, at least as long as we live here on this blue planet.
The time is only relevant for the formation and decomposition processes (e.g. growth, tissue ageing).
It measures the distance between two moments.
Can we talk about PN?
An orientation for life.
You can plan everything