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Only lay people and first semester psychology analyze other people. The learned psychologists then smile a little bit about the unresolved first semester. They call it “diagnostics and therapeutics.”
No learned psychologist/psychotherapeut analyses other people. However, you can help this person to analyze yourself. Of course, one can think about it, but one should always ask the people concerned if this could be right. One can tell the person concerned his own observations and assumptions, but one must never overstudy them. This would be technically wrong and beyond.
Basically, I can join what you write.
But of course, there are psychologists / psychotherapists who consciously draw analytical conclusions from what comes to them at physical and (para)verbal levels and use them specifically in their work.
(work experience)
Yes, of course. But you always keep in mind that they are hypotheses. And you keep for yourself. Basically, it is true. I “diagnosticate” Trumpel as a naz. Psychopaths like the textbook. 😉
Okay, then we mean something similar…
It needs a certain talent (sensitivity, observation) and it needs the acquisition of human knowledge.
A psychology study is not necessary for this and it also only partly conveys such skills.
So what do I do best? Explore the past of people? How do I draw the right conclusions?
Just keep mindful and curious in your encounters with other people. And you can occasionally ask if the other person can confirm your impressions (“I have the impression that you’re a little sad when you talk about it… can that be?”).
You don’t need it from my point of view (word: human design)
It’s called empathy.
I didn’t have to get there with others.
So I don’t have this intuitive, ironically I’m pretty empathy.
In the end, you have to work a lot on you and reflect a lot, but that doesn’t need a degree but time with yourself
No, you don’t need
You can’t learn to put yourself in other people. You can’t “learn.” It depends on how compassionate you are.