Auf Ecstasy in der Schule?
Was passiert wenn man auf ecstasy in der schule ist und es die Lehrer mitbekommen?
Kann es auch passieren das die Polizei gerufen wird?
Was passiert wenn man auf ecstasy in der schule ist und es die Lehrer mitbekommen?
Kann es auch passieren das die Polizei gerufen wird?
Mein Partner hat vorhin Koks gezogen und zudem Alkohol getrunken danach hatte er immer wieder starke Schmerzen im Brust Bereich ich wollte einen Krankenwagen rufen und er hat sich geweigert und zwingen können sie ihn ja auch nicht /: aktuell schläft er, er ist direkt danach eingeschlafen nach ca 10 min schmerzen er ist seitdem…
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Ich habe einen Pferdekuchen gebacken. Aus Haferflocken, Wasser, Bananen, Kräuter und Weizenmehl. Im Rezept stand genau so viel Mehl wie Haferflocken (ich hab bisschen mehr Haferflocken). Jedenfalls hab ich jz gegoogelt und viele sagen Pferde dürften kein Weizenmehl fressen. Darf mein Pferd den Kuchen jz fressen oder nicht? Er frisst ja schließlich auch Brötchen? Zum…
Hallo, Wenn ich 18 bin und meine neun Jahre Schulzeit beendet habe, ich nun in der Oberstufe bin und zu viele Fehltage habe. Kann da was passieren, außer, dass ich von der Schule fliege?
Hallo ich m/17 rauche schon seit längerer Zeit ca. 6 Monaten dauerhaft durch meine Dosis habe ich nur in dem letzten Monat erhöht und zwar von einem Gramm zu zwei Gramm ich bin jetzt schon seit genau 7 Tagen auf kaltem Entzug der auch noch ungewollt durch einen Urlaub geschah und habe auch deutliche entzugserscheinungen…
Consumption is not forbidden, but perhaps it violates the domestic order. But that counts as a hard drug, and when the police come, they’ll probably report to the driver’s station and that’s when you want to make a picture or at some point, even if you didn’t drive. And you can see Xtc because the pupils you can’t hide and behave a bit different then you will. I’d stay home with the butt or with my colleagues. In school, you might have left the reputation, it doesn’t make a good impression.
Only if you have anything in your pockets.
Police rather not, but at least your parents are informed, probably also the Youth Office. Isn’t that clever to be on show in a state institution. Doesn’t have any advantages.
The pupil is full year
Then there can be punishments from the school, so they could throw you away from the school. But police won’t do anything if you’ve already done it.
Apparently, such a case has happened to our school before and the police came. In retrospect, nix is bad with the person who has taken the ecstasy (viewed from the punishments) nevertheless the person who sold the drug or has been expelled from the school.
If the teacher gets what you’re doing, he’ll call an ambulance, then go to the hospital, the police will come.
Why are we talking? It’s good for the student, very good.
Because the teacher is responsible for one in school.
I don’t understand…who should you remember? That you are more communal and friendly?
You have laberflash, even though you don’t eat anything, you don’t have iris, it’s totally hilarious and you want to hug everyone?
The one so, the other so….maybe? 😉
He can send you home, take your eligible and inform the police
What would the police do? Is there an indication of drug use?
For the first time, you should do a drug test (by a doctor). After that, you would receive an ad for violations of the BSE
I didn’t have to
Just don’t do it and it’s good…
Infringement btmg? But the pupil has nothing to do with this scenario
Are you sick?!?
Dude, if you do, you see horror filming. Or the teacher sounds like a duck or something.
With music and this I understand. Just like that. Sobers in school.
He’ll look so happy all thinking that would be mentally disabled. That’ll be right up.
You obviously don’t know what ecstasy is 😂
Pine. All rattled. You’re happy like a donkey. Starrst like an owl. Always depends on the person. But in any case you will see it. The faces look like aliens. Mnom Mnom mnom
I don’t want to write any details here. But everyone looks at your face’s traits, and that’s how the case study goes down. then the cops come because you did it in school and want to see if you’re still a dealer. And from where you got that and so. Then you may be taken to sober. Dangerous. Wait till the end if it must be absolutely.
Already xd
Well, someone is very optimistic
If in the ecstasy only that is in what belongs in you don’t get
I can. Depends on what’s in it. In any case consciousness changes. If you get nervous because you’re paralyzed and suddenly the teacher looks very different. Then you know. This is similar to hallucination.
But it does not cause hallucinations