Visual Studio?
Wie komme ich bei Visual Studio in diese Visuelle Ansicht mit Toolbox und so finde das nd
Wie komme ich bei Visual Studio in diese Visuelle Ansicht mit Toolbox und so finde das nd
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In the bar at the top is the tab View listed as third. There you will find the Toolbox and all the other windows.
lg Suiram1
Thank you, but don’t look for the toolbox, but the page where I can pull the stuff out of the toolbox.
To use the toolbox buttons, etc in your application, you need to create a WinForms or WPF application.
So no C#?
What do you mean by visual view? Unfortunately, you gave too little information. Do you mean Windows Forms? If so, you have to double-click the form1.cs (or how you named it). Provided of course, you are in a Windows Forms project.
You can find the toolbox here if it is not enabled:
Well, that’s where you can pull in from the toolbox buttons, etc., I don’t find the toolbox already.
So again: Are you talking about Windows Forms? In Visual Studio and C# there is not one project with visual representation, but many. You need to get more accurate and if you mean Windows Forms, then I told you in my answer how to get into the designer
If you choose C#, yes. There are also F#, C++, VB.NET, … Drag & Drop is only available in Windows Forms for the GUI. At WPF, you have XAML, a type of XML format, and everything that the program is to do does not happen with magic. You need to program this in the selected language
Aha, but with the WPF or Windows form you can also code, then you code in C#?
If you have a console, you can’t use any graphic elements like buttons. If you want to have a GUI, you need to start a project like WPF or Windows Forms so you can use buttons, labels, etc. Start a console project, you don’t have the features (except you’re building your project manually, which usually takes longer than starting a new project)
what is windows forms? Got Visual Studio with .NET 7.0 and console with C#