Interrail günstig?


Ich wollte mir zug-tickets von koblenz nach montpellier kaufen. Jetzt hab ich gelesen, dass 1 ticket 1 richtung 99€ kostet, also hin und zurück 198€. Auf Interrail hab ich gelesen, dass man 4 Tage in 1 Monat buchen kann und dafür nur 185€ zahlt… man hat also noch 2 volle tage frei und zahlt weniger…? Hab ich das richtig verstanden? Klappt das so? Wie kann das günstiger sein? :O



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2 years ago

But don’t worry about what price you pay for Interrail in France. The prices are quite nice and there are only a few places available for this tariff. You can only get in France with the TER = regional trains.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deepspace69

I can’t answer an answer after the “where”. In Italy and France a fee is due upon reservation, in France it is obviously very high.

2 years ago

During the Interrail ticket you can only travel from and to your hometown during the period. The other trips must take place abroad.