Interrail günstig?
Ich wollte mir zug-tickets von koblenz nach montpellier kaufen. Jetzt hab ich gelesen, dass 1 ticket 1 richtung 99€ kostet, also hin und zurück 198€. Auf Interrail hab ich gelesen, dass man 4 Tage in 1 Monat buchen kann und dafür nur 185€ zahlt… man hat also noch 2 volle tage frei und zahlt weniger…? Hab ich das richtig verstanden? Klappt das so? Wie kann das günstiger sein? :O
But don’t worry about what price you pay for Interrail in France. The prices are quite nice and there are only a few places available for this tariff. You can only get in France with the TER = regional trains.
So there’s something else in the Interrail ticket? Where do I see that?
I can’t answer an answer after the “where”. In Italy and France a fee is due upon reservation, in France it is obviously very high.
Does this also happen with normal tickets that you can buy online at db?
During the Interrail ticket you can only travel from and to your hometown during the period. The other trips must take place abroad.