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2 years ago

I grew up with meat as food, and meat is also widely used, such as sausage, carving, grilled chicken.

Actually, I never thought about it 😋.

1 year ago
Reply to  swisstime

Now would be good time to think about it

2 years ago

I love my salami and ham and everything, the man is able to digest everything possible, including meat, so I eat it and that also like

1 year ago
Reply to  Goldgeweher

I actually only eat it when I know it was good for the animals, I rarely eat something else.

2 years ago

I’ve actually tried this for five years, but it’s then broken off from health reasons. It just didn’t work with me. In the meantime, I have returned to a vegetarian diet, and I am perfectly entitled to it.

1 year ago

Meat/three I eat in proportions, but I consider the mixed fruit/ vegetables, fish, dairy products and meat to be the healthiest.

2 years ago

As a whole, humans have been feeding on both herbal and animal products since ancient times.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ramon6134

But times have changed and there is no more reason to do so.

2 years ago
Reply to  DiesDas37338

That’s what I see.

2 years ago

However, the quality of meat is not as much as it was then, and at that time we took leaves as pants and started with sticks. You still do this today. Being not vegan is NOT bad but the statement is lost

2 years ago

What’s a good reason?

2 years ago

For both reasons. It tastes and there are important nutrients included. I’m not on tablets to eat just to get my nutrients. In part, it is also simply habit that there is a delicious roast on Sundays. And last but not least, the vegan lifestyle is too expensive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mungukun

For me it usually depends on whether it was good for the animal, otherwise I have a bad conscience when I eat it.

2 years ago

Why aren’t you vegan?

Because animal products

  • are tasty
  • healthy
  • all year round, seasonal available
  • supply numerous nutrients and
  • e. Some even more animal-friendly than some vegan foods


2 years ago

First Pescetaric then Vegitar. ButVegan would not allow my parents

1 year ago

Since I like to eat meat very much and a varied diet is important, I will never be vegan.

I need my proteins, good taste and calories.

2 years ago

I’m not 100% vegan, but I like to eat vegan. Why not xD

2 years ago

Don’t worry? Like it was a disease. I live Vegan.

2 years ago
Reply to  AliceundD

He probably thinks he doesn’t want to force anyone to become a “Vegan” as a vegan.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonien

I think there’s a certain appreciation inside.

2 years ago

I like meat, I don’t postpone all the replacement products and I’m too compelling to pay attention to everything. Apart from this, it is also sometimes expensive.

2 years ago


I really don’t like meat, but I’m not vegan.

I’m sure I’d like to eat a juicy steak in a barbecue.

So no meat has to be, but can!



2 years ago

It tastes very good

2 years ago

I just don’t own this kind of idealism. Sure is mixed for the animals, and I also eat comparatively little meat but sometimes I have bock on it.

2 years ago
Reply to  RoyalT89486

The animals do not have a shock to be killed.

2 years ago
Reply to  DiesDas37338

No one

1 year ago

Not quite my opinion, however, sounds reasonable overall. Then do this.

1 year ago

If no one denies that this does not happen in Germany, however, the work is a groundless misery to the victims of the Holocaust. I don’t have a problem with certain stylistic agents, but that’s just going past every good taste for me. As far as animal husbandry is concerned, I also think it can not be that you get a 10 pack of rust sausage for 3 €, at the discounter. You can’t expect the animals to have been kept well. I would also be willing to pay more and eat less meat, but I will not give up.

1 year ago

I give you absolutely right. This comparison should not have been allowed. That’s all I want to say.

And yes, everything is very dramatizing. That’s a cure, you’re right.

Nevertheless, the pictures are real and the error of the comparison does not change anything to the other facts.

The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s a mistake to destroy it, it’s wrong for me because the rest is right.

Acquaintances who worked in this work have also confirmed that this happened in Germany and that it is not a single case.

1 year ago

It is completely overdramatic. In addition to comparing bad animal husbandry with the Holocaust, I find as the grandchild of a Jewish-stemmed grandma who has witnessed the Holocaust absolutely next to it. First of all, it relativizes the Holocaust because the Holocaust has not emerged from profits, but from a political ideology. The Holocaust was a genocide with the aim of exterminating all Jews, which is not the target of slaughterhouses. Even if it is cruel, the Holocaust has been much more cruel. There people have not been stunned and then killed, but they have been tortured, they have been sexually abused and they have been allowed to work until they are killed or starved, or they went into the gas chamber. You can’t compare that to the Holocaust at all. You may be a vegan against animal suffering, but you should stay on the ground of the facts. I find this comparison of slaughterhouses with the holocaust an absolute wickedness and I think it should even be punishable to relativize this cruel time of National Socialism in the way. This is in no way just for the victims of the Holocaust.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I actually noticed that this is not more than vegan propaganda.

1 year ago

Maybe you can watch dominion and earthlings on YouTube. Like to write your opinion.

2 years ago

Well that life is hard.

2 years ago

You’re compelling her. You have the responsibility to make sure they don’t suffer first and then die.

2 years ago

Because I find the meat belongs to a balanced nutrition. And because I don’t trust GESUND to feed vegan. You don’t do that from today to tomorrow. And of course also because I like to eat meat, cheese, eggs etc. and yes there are substitute products. But that’s just like the name says only replacement products and they’re not coming to real and/or are full of chemistry. Animal-friendly may be a vegan diet, but it is not necessarily environmentally friendly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nordseefan


Herbal nutrition is more environmentally friendly.

In animal products there is just as much chemistry. Yeah, really.

1 year ago
Reply to  anne99920

clear gbit also animal products that are full of chemistry

I mean all the meat and cheese substitutes now. They’re produced with a lot of chemistry, they’re not all about imitating the whole thing.

1 year ago

I think we can agree on this that most cheap products are no matter whether replacement or ‘right’ are often not good and the more expensive ones are better, usually.

Generally, I reject meat consumption, but that is my opinion.

1 year ago

This is true, especially cheap meat is certainly not without. The last report on television, which has already given me great thought. Especially with the rather cheap mass goods (though many companies jump on the vegan train): WAs there is everything in it…… Compare the list of certèches (I don’t know if the product was now, don’t want to say anything wrong about the Rügenwalder mill: vegan and real) Otherwise, Rügenwalder replaced by xxx.

Gbit certainly also high-quality replacement products, but they are likely to be more difficult. (What would we do with the animal again?

1 year ago

You’re right vegan is complicated and your diet doesn’t concern me, but I think it’s great. I don’t want you to eat anything you don’t like or you don’t dare. That was no accusation.

It is still no longer chemical in replacement products, that is simply not correct. And the taste usually doesn’t come quite Ran. Perhaps it is not because it is so little chemistry in substitute products, but that is so much in ‘normal’. Often we don’t know what we eat. The animals are also preventively stuffed with hormones (antibiotics, sex hormones,…)

1 year ago

Depends on WAS you buy. And soy is not mine, nuts contract I if too many are not good. I’m not allergic now, but I don’t get them.

In the classic substitute products that do as if they become meat, cheese and cheese is now more chemistry. If you don’t mind, you don’t get taste and consistency.

I eat little meat when it’s 300 grams it’s a lot. But I don’t want to leave it, that’s how I don’t want to give up milk and cheese.

Eating healthy is not so easy anyway. Vegan is even more complicated.

1 year ago

The ingredients list is usually shorter on replacement products. Many consist of soya, wheat and nuts…

Yeah, a bit of chemistry is less than once. But even in sausage and cheese, there is usually just as much chemistry as in the substitute products. No kidding.

1 year ago

I try to feed well balanced and healthy, and that also includes good meat for me.

2 years ago

You don’t need to make the hype with you!

Much domestic – not from Africa’s greenhouses– Vegetables too and again some fish or meat / in exchange rice – Pasta – Potato = healthy common good, intestinal flora friendly!

1 year ago
Reply to  Kuestenflieger

Rice mainly comes from Asia and potatoes originally from South America.

In animal products there is just as much chemistry. Yeah, really. Unfortunately, this is a widespread error.

2 years ago

Because there is no reason for that.

2 years ago

I try to feed my best vegans, but sometimes I eat animal products.

2 years ago

Fish and generally meat is simply mega tasty and somehow you also need it. I wouldn’t get a bang to eat turkey or chopped more or tasty beef jerky teriyaki 🤤

2 years ago

It is an ethical, ecological and health need.

It dies less animals, is better for the environment and my health.

There is no rational rational reason for veganism

1 year ago
Reply to  wickedsick05

How do you feed?

2 years ago

That’s pretty good.

2 years ago

I like to cook and much and simply love an extensive selection and as large as possible a menu.
Although I care for good quality and little meat and sausage.

But without animal it would be too fade to me.

2 years ago

Because I do not want to be blamed for the deterioration of the climate and the environment.

That’s why I keep cows and beef.

2 years ago
