What else is there to live for?

That you feel so lonely, like you don't have a family, don't really have friends who look after you every week, or even a partner, not even for sex, and that even though I'm fit for everyday life. Beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder, but men do look. So I ask myself why I'm so lonely with everyone. Is my personality to blame? I sometimes wonder what I'm still living for 😏😏😏

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5 months ago

Sounds kind of passive.

It would be your life, what you can do actively. Friends usually don’t take care of one once a week. They’re agreed to exchange ideas or have fun. And having a partner means going to him actively. Sex also means you have to show that you want it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

Did you know how to deepen friendships and how to start a relationship? Imagine you have very deep friendships and a very fulfilling relationship in a year 2. How exactly would it have been?

5 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

I see this as embarrassing if you don’t dare to address an attractive person.

5 months ago

I don’t trust myself, as I said, I don’t see it as embarrassing.

5 months ago

starting from biology, people only live to replant.

but in philosophy life can mean a lot. Start a new hobby, meet people or try science. Life is not set limits. Create your life as you imagine

and of course the DΓΆner xD

a lot of success

5 months ago

Of course, your kind is not everyone’s thing.

You’re practically just looking for evening adventures. Of course this isn’t the nice boy who doesn’t just want to play with you.

A serious relationship rarely results from Joyclub etc.

Try to get to know guys normally without the idea you want to play with you.

5 months ago
Reply to  Newwoman1990

In any question of you stand something from Joynclub. I am also the same guy who says that the matching partner you will meet by chance, compel with “Search ” I consider a forgiving effort. I would even run more of it if I were torn right on the first date from the lady to the bedroom. I’m telling you, I even felt part of my sexual abuse. So there is also the other extreme πŸ™‚

5 months ago

Yes, but if you didn’t like yourself, that’s abuse. Not only men abuse women, but it’s different. For me, e.g. cuddles are classified as sex.