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Baby übergeben?
Hallo mein baby ist 3 wochen alt ! Und hat sich heute übergeben 2 mal nach flasche ( es sind ketzt 5 wochen gud gegangen ) , proplem ist ich habe jetzt angst das baby neben mich in sein bett zu legen weil ich angst habe es erstickt oder sonst was !! Ich habe morgen…
Wann frühtest?
kann man nach 6 Tagen schon ein frühtest machen? er war nur bis zur Hälfte in mir nicht ganz kann ich trotzdem schwanger werden.?
Was hat meine Tochter (Nachtschreck?)?
Huhu, meine 2 jährige ist generell ein sehr lebendiges Kind, was jedes Gefühl sehr intensiv erlebt und ausdrückt. Sie hat auch schon seit langer Zeit einen schlechten Schlaf (2/3 std einschlafbegleitung, 2-5 mal wach pro Nacht) seit einigen Tagen schläft sie ENDLICH in Ruhe und ohne Drama innerhalb von ca 30 min ein und schläft…
Ich möchte schwanger werden wie kann ich mich dazu vorbereiten gibt es tipps wie es leichter geht wir versuchen schon seit mehr als 6 monaten klappt nicht wir haben uns auch schon untersuchen lassen beide sehr gesund also keine hinderung für Baby machen vielleicht habt ihr erfahrung fohlensäure nehme ich schon
No. It’s almost impossible to add because you’d have to have 1. 3 egg jumps at the same time and 2. With 3 men in this time having sex, all of them would have to fertilize only one egg.
So you just get lost because you think it’s almost impossible. So it doesn’t really know
It is medically more than unlikely to have 3 egg jumps at the same time, which are all fertilized and then seek all ones.
This is a fact.
With adults, you’ll have to know my age. How do you know my age and gender?
Can you talk to me normally? What’s the matter with you?
I’ve never seen a grown man behave like this before.
So what register is that exactly? And you are 100% sure that every doctor in every country of the earth knows these statistics and is obliged to report to this register in any case. The elections around the world are as much as your statistics. Every dictator in, above all, population-rich countries has certainly always been elected by an absolute majority. Your tab really seems to show the absolute truth
Again. There are central registers in which this is collected worldwide. What do you think this works for all other statistics, etc?
So you talked to all doctors around the world and read all the books in the specialist libraries worldwide in different languages?
I don’t talk about dark or anything else.
And yes, I can bet everything because it’s 100% like that. There is no documented case. And I never claimed more.
That doesn’t mean there’s never been one.
Can you say with 100% certainty that this is the fact? Are you betting all your fortune? No, so it’s not a fact. Have you ever done a patent research? The dark digit is added, etc. and so on. Do you know what happened in India alone with 800 million women in the course of evolution? Do you think this is automatically translated internationally from the local press and published worldwide? Are you absolutely sure?
But that isn’t a case officially known is a fact?
Right, but I would replace “man” in your case with “I”. Just the way you express yourself and your presumption as a fact leads more and more to the division of society. They used to be able to discuss controversially. Today, more and more of your calibre is also around here….People who always impose their guesses as facts to all other discussion participants. And if they disagree, they are wrinkles or Nazis. Don’t blame me, but I don’t want to have anything to do with such ideology-driven moral apostles, because these people are the wrinkles, and if you take it exactly Nazis too. Such superhumans feel superior to all others. This is how wars often arise. You should try to think about it. Always wonder if you’re really sure. Only if you are 100% sure and it is proven you can declare something as a fact. Otherwise, people who look through your way will quickly turn away from you
You can’t answer your question.
You don’t know how to look. That’s what you demonstrated. There’s nothing to use if you give your nut cacts here another 10 times. But it’s nice that you at least believe your own bullshit even if you don’t have any more attention. With the Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is so. And as a non-fact spreader, you always have to have the last word. This is common in people who believe that they are always right and only know the true truth. You’re in person.
You want to know what facts are? Facts are exactly the opposite of what you always give from you 👍
What’s a fact in your eyes? Bzw, if you don’t recognize how anyone should have answered your question?
But I don’t know what it’s gonna change, but I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to answer your question and it seems to be annoying.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t even know the children can be artificially produced and that there are women who are partially raped daily. You’re masting on your stubborn guesses to declare as facts. People who come out of this way deserve no attention.
And now please let someone else know your nonsensefacts
What’s the matter with you? Can’t you write normally?
By the way, I looked at an international medicine forum on multi-births.
And it’s known in medicine NO ONE case.
What makes sense because it is almost impossible.
So how long have you been looking for facts in over 100 languages and over 1000 tribal languages to explain your unique search in Never-ever-fake-Google as facts? Have you also read the world-wide books of specialist libraries? How many languages can you? Have you ever read a book or come your IQ from TikTok and Google? 😭
There is no confirmed case that is a fact.
I don’t even find a case of diligent drillings that have a common father.
And that was your question or not?
DU Fact-based medical ombudsman will of course know with 100% safety what doctors do in 220 countries with 4 billion women 😭
If I want to know what doctors do in North Korea or in the jungle I only ask you
I didn’t say at the same time, but at the time of ovulation?
No doctor in the world uses 3 embryos of 3 men.
And because your facts are always definitively facts, sex in your facts is always necessary for pregnancy. In this case, the woman must have sex with 3 men “at the same time”. The one woman can not only be fertilized within a few minutes or a day has not appeared in your facts world 🤣
Tell no one who works in the medical field
When were you born when I could ask?
These are definitely not facts as you can see on the unstoppable answers. You can bet 1 mio on your suspected facts 🤣 Do you know what facts are? Then surely you also know how high the gray digits of the unpublicly known twin and twisting births are. Certainly you will also know how many women have been artificially fertilized with different sperms during ovulation 🤣
If I need facts, I always ask you first
Watch my post here:
I have never heard of Drillingen with three different fathers, but in the press there is at least one case of Drillingen with two fathers:
Happy for you!