Gebärmutterhalskrebs Impfung nachholen?
Wie ist das mit der Impfung, Frau sollte die ja im besten Fall vor dem ersten Geschlechtsverkehr machen, allerdings ist das bei mir schon ETWAS zu spät. mach t es trotzdem sinn, diese noch nach zu holen? schliesslich ist mein erstes mal jetzt über 6 Jahre her.
The ideal time for HPV vaccination is before the first sexual contact. However, HPV vaccination can still be useful even after the first time or at a later age and should therefore be recovered as early as possible. Even if an HPV infection with one or more HPV types has already occurred, the vaccination can still provide protection against the other HPV types contained in the respective vaccine, with which one has not yet been infected. You are best advised by your doctor or doctor of trust. More information about HPV and vaccination can be found on re-read 🙂
Thank you.
Do it anyway! Vaccination is important and as long as you haven’t slept unprotected with 100 men, the chance is still high that you have hardly or no HPV viruses and therefore the vaccination would be useful for future partners.
no worries, was so far only one (and will probably not change in the near future) Thanks for the answer, then I will address this at the next FA appointment 🙂
I asked my female doctor once and she didn’t see a problem in there. Costs should be borne by themselves.