Wie kann man selbst erkennen, dass man ein Trauma hat oder dass man unter einem Trauma leidet?

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Thomas Richter
4 months ago

Those affected often suffer from insomnia, fears, nightmares (often with trauma-related content) and flashbacks, i.e. the real revival of one or “the” memory. This usually occurs when one is reminded by an external stimulus (also called trigger). For example, I am triggered by pine trees that immediately reminds me of my Italy holiday as a child (of course positive in the example). Of course, the memories that arise are controllable. In the case of a PTBS, these are not controllable and this can lead to feeling like in the situation at that time, which can naturally trigger anxiety and panic and then react accordingly.

Of course, one also tends to avoid stressful situations.

You can also find yourself in a permanent state of inner “alarm readiness”, e.g. that you constantly feel it might be someone in the house, it follows someone, unknown sounds trigger a strong reaction. You are nervous, as if you know that you will be exposed to a negative situation, although you may be just home and objectively nothing is in the bush.

1 month ago
Reply to  Thomas Richter

How can one work against a PTBS like this?