zahnfleisch bluten von snus?
habe gemerkt, dass sich unter beiden Oberlippen (da wo snus in meinem fall nikotinbeutel reinpackt) sich haut löst und es gerötet es ist zudem tut es minimal weh wenn ich draufdrücke.
Was ist das ?
Pause von snus?
Break from snus? – Yeah, sure…. just sneak to see if it was the “snus” or not.
What’s that? – a stimulus? The nicotine doesn’t do that, but I know too little about these nicotine bags to say that WAS could trigger this…. maybe even ne mechanical irritation by the bag itself…
No shit sherlock young man knows as a child already the snus gum attacks lmao either you decide against the teeth or the lungs or you just don’t take nikotin
Love 15 years old Lena,
Of course, snus attacks gums, but it has been like this since the day before.
please leave your unhelpful answer. You don’t have to give your must everywhere.
But if I look so stupid, I have to tell you what that asks for a ne when you know you asked the question so that we say that comes from the snus doesn’t make you worry about smoking until your teeth fall out or what haha if you know it