Wie viel kostet ein A1 Führerschein?
Welche Kosten kommen bei einem A1 Führerschein auf mich zu und ist es möglich diesen schon mit 15 zu beginnen oder erst ab 16 möglich?
Welche Kosten kommen bei einem A1 Führerschein auf mich zu und ist es möglich diesen schon mit 15 zu beginnen oder erst ab 16 möglich?
I did some research on cars. I have to admit… Porsche, Ford Mustang, Mazda, Mercedes. I'd love one of those. I've found plenty of offers in Germany for over €40,000…. But in Switzerland, I find cars on offer that are much better quality and better maintained, even under 35,000 CHF and often with lower mileage…
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Good day! Yesterday, I drove through a very dark yellow traffic light (maybe it had just turned red) in a 40 km/h zone, and was traveling at 46 km/h. Directly diagonally behind the light is a speed camera. It looks like the one in the attached picture. Is that what a traffic light camera looks…
Here's the thing. I've been working for an IT company since January 2 of this year. However, I have to drive 45 km each way, and it's even longer by train. A week ago, I received an offer from a car dealership (in the same field) and it's 900 meters away from me. I can…
Hallo leute Am 15.5 also am montag habe ich meine Thoerie prüfung, aber ich bin krank und hatte nicht genug gelernt. Kann ich die prüfung absagen und verschieben? lg
The costs are individual and depend on the driving school, region and of course on yourself. the more driving hours you need, the more expensive it gets. An A1 driver’s license usually costs around the 2000 to 2500 if you don’t need too many driving hours and the first time you get the test.
There are also costs for protective clothing. It is not set by many driving schools. But you need it at the end for driving and even if it is set, it is not necessarily the most pleasant. For a complete beginners equipment you should plan around the 1000€. Depending on the requirements and taste, it is also somewhat cheaper and of course much more expensive.
No, you can’t start with 15. You must be at least 15 1/2 years old, the exam can be at least one month before the 16th. Make your birthday.
Then look for driving schools near you, go by and find out how it works.
whether the hours always have to be paid immediately or only in the end.
I know some driving schools, and they can’t get involved in the fact that the riders only get the bill at the end because they have to run after many, because of the money.
Of course you can start him now. Costs up from 1500€. Depending on how good you are in the driving hours. The best way to compare a few driving schools before registering at the first best.