Mit dem was ihr heute wisst – würdet ihr euch als Geimpfte nochmal gegen Corona impfen lassen?

Noch einmal eine Frage lediglich an die gegen Corona-Geimpften:

würdet ihr euch, mit dem heutigen Kenntnisstand über die Schutzimpfung, erneut zum ersten Mal gegen Corona impfen lassen?

Oder würdet ihr das nicht mehr tun wollen?

Sagt, was ihr darüber denkt, gerne auch ausführlicher!

Vielen Dank!

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11 months ago

Just the findings I gained in time would encourage me to do it again. I know a lot of doctors who told me how it went to the intensive care station at the time and how many vaccinations could not be saved at that time.

Even though some of the measures were taken as excessive, we are still relatively limited in Germany to other countries. From today’s point of view, one could have done something different and must have – but after that one is always smarter.

Thanks to vaccination, we managed to have Corona lost his horrors today and is no longer much worse than a particularly stubborn flu. But at that time, many people have died and there would have been much more sacrifice without vaccination.

Who doesn’t believe that is badly informed or ignorant and rather believes Fake News than real statistics.

11 months ago
Reply to  okieh56

the Corona has lost the horrors was a bit more harmless.

(Of course we have more than one Corona virus natively are cold viruses)

11 months ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Yes, especially through immunization. When viruses are fought, they mutate.

11 months ago

This is called selection printing.

11 months ago

They have no will but mutate, because otherwise they do not survive – or otherwise – only the mutated viruses survive, that is to say those who can adapt.

This is the law of evolution. Those who do not adapt to changing environmental conditions die out.

11 months ago

because they want to infect for a long time, they continue to mutate,

I strongly doubt that viruses have a will.

11 months ago

Unfortunately, you cannot delete the comment – also not your own.

11 months ago

You’re right. I confused you! Sorry!

11 months ago

So, viruses do not adapt to your opinion message and do not mutate. A good news, because then the vaccines do not have to be adjusted and the viruses have no chance.

I’m not a virologist, but that viruses mutate, every child knows. It’s a constant dive between virus and host.

11 months ago

tend to mutate because if the host dies, they have no home anymore and also die because they want to infect for a long time, they continue, is also just normal viruses mutate all the time

11 months ago

I need to differentiate this. Let’s talk about today, but the viruses that existed at the time of the first vaccinations.

Or we are generally talking about today, so with Omnikron and the fact that many (included) have already had Corona.

I have had 3 vaccinations in 2021 and, unlike others, the first was not so cool and has given me about 1 week of IMC (so hospital) because my underlying disease is outdated. There were 3 weeks AU and 3-4 months until I was on the previous stand. Nevertheless, I found it sensible at that time. Also in view of the then variants. Even at 2 and 3, I had problems, but far from being as bad as at 1.

In general, my underlying disease has a problem with many vaccinations, which is why I personally weigh down what is really useful for me.

Corona vaccination is not (more) below for me. I had Corona twice. And although I belonged to what risk group swore (I cannot stand the word), both times were absolutely harmless.

11 months ago

Of course!

The vaccinations against Covid 19 were/are as natural for me as the annual vaccination against the influenza, vaccinations against Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Herpes Zoster, Pneumokokken etc.

I am vaccinated five times with Corminaty BioNtech, without any problem, no, myocarditis, SVT etc., no normal vaccination reactions that can occur during any vaccination, such as temperature increase, cephalgia, pain at the injection site.

To date, no Covid 19 infection. I can’t exclude asymptomatic infection, i.e. infected, but not diseased, but all tests were always negative.

The last vaccinations were carried out on 17.10.2023 > 5. Vaccination against Covid 19, with Comirnaty BioNtech and the annual vaccination against influenza, with the vaccine Efluelda.

Word to Monday!

I’m still alive!

11 months ago

Sure, I think the vaccination has helped a lot. I work with most severely disabled people, many of whom belong to the risk group. They were almost all vaccinated, a few got it, but all had a very mild course.

I myself vaccinated three times and in December only Corona had a mild course.

11 months ago

Yeah, I’d always decide that way.

Only from the comparison between my previous Covid procedures is a clear point that speaks for vaccination. Because of my first corona infection (2020, before vaccination), I was in fact three/four months in the sick state.

11 months ago

Of course, because I don’t want to get to Corona (at least not hard).

That’s why I had a refreshment vaccination again last autumn.

11 months ago
Reply to  BurkeUndCo

I don’t want to have a cold 😉

11 months ago
Reply to  Green8300

Me neither. But unfortunately there is no vaccination against bruising.

In addition, the vaccination of Corona is more important to me, as relatively few people die from bruising.

11 months ago

hardly any people died of Corona…because it was always a slight flu…

11 months ago

For my children alone, I would.

11 months ago

Haven’t felt any immune system ever since, just corrosive.

Edit: My friend is not vaccinated, I do. Before that he was sick more often than me, now I’m sick all the time. And every corona infection was less with him than with me. That’s the way I’m getting fever what I almost never had…

11 months ago

I’m sorry for you…

11 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

Yeah, I did, she just meant I wasn’t the only one. Just like my nerve pain in the thorax, which I had 1-2 months after my first corona infection.

11 months ago

I am not Ü35 😅 With the beginning of 20, unfortunately, one has no annual investigations.

I only have a thorough checkup every 3 years through my job (G26.3)

11 months ago

I’ll be medically examined every couple of years at the TÜV, but I don’t know if they test the vitamin level.
But thanks for the tip:)

11 months ago

I’m waiting for my pediatrician to get vaccine. I’m also vaccinated against flu and everything possible. Blessing invention. Thanks to Edward Jenner and the many others who have opened the opportunity to save so many lives.

11 months ago
Reply to  musso

ouch… impressing

11 months ago

Not only “worm” but also become!

Annual, as well as against the influenza.

11 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597


11 months ago

Maybe. It was inconclusive at the time, and it was today.

3 months ago

Not only would I do that, but I did it two days ago. It’s just because it makes sense for a pre-disorder.

11 months ago

I’m unvaccinated.

11 months ago

I’ve been invaded for three years, not my wife, which led to heated discussions of us for a time, even because my wife suddenly turned to the cross-denker scene, but only a little fortunate. She quickly stopped.

Interesting is the following: We had both 4 times Corona, the last time three months ago. Always them first, then a week later I. In both of us, however, the symptoms became increasingly less bad and long.

My conclusion: Didn’t everything come…

11 months ago
Reply to  JWDHF

Maybe the disease would have been more serious if you were not vaccinated.

11 months ago
Reply to  LugerP38

My friend isn’t vaccinated, I do. Before that he was sick more often than I am, now I’m sick all the time, I don’t feel any immune system anymore. And every corona infection was less with him than with me. That’s the way I’m getting fever what I almost never had…

11 months ago
Reply to  LugerP38

That is what I personally think is a rumor, how many people have died despite vaccination and how many have it survived without vaccination?
Since there was absolutely no real data recording, we will probably never find out if and if how much the “vaccinations” have contributed to it, people will die. In addition, under an vaccination, I understand that one becomes immune first to the pathogens and, secondly, it cannot go on with others, because what one cannot get can’t be done.

11 months ago
Reply to  JWDHF

As your vaccinations would have looked out, at best it is possible to suspect.

11 months ago

Right, there was an emergency authorisation and therefore could have been vaccinated exclusively at risk and would not in fact have forced vaccination, as we all know that the vaccine has not been able to prevent any infection or transfer, and this was already very early clear.

11 months ago

In most cases it helps to prevent the outbreak that are very few who still get it

11 months ago

The Covid19 vaccinations had an emergency permit. I am convinced that much more people would have died during the pandemic without vaccination.

But convincing vaccinators of this usually makes no sense. Just like political and religious personal beliefs.

11 months ago

No vaccination guarantees not to get the disease. Every organism reacts differently. But it could contribute to a mild course. The whole thing is the case with every vaccination.

11 months ago

Nevertheless, vaccines prevent the diseases and are not ineffective as in COVID-19

This is so flat-rately wrong and the second part is also Quark.

11 months ago

True, there is no approved vaccine against the plague, this was treated with antibiotics.
Nevertheless, vaccines prevent the diseases and are not ineffective as in COVID-19

Dr. Prof. “I have eaten the wisdom with the spoon”

11 months ago

The plague was almost eroded in our western world.

That’s right and enjoyable. The plague is not a virus disease, and there is no vaccination against it.

Thanks for the impressive proof of your total unconsciousness. I’ll be out.

11 months ago

So I don’t know anyone with measles, mumps, etc. The plague was almost erased in our western world. Many other diseases have been made harmless by correct vaccines. Usw. Only with COVID-19 it seems to be different, you can infect yourself despite everything, suffer from it, even die of it, and for all you are infected for others. All this is not the case with the classical vaccines against all possible diseases, one has an immunity against it, the pathogens of these diseases penetrate into the body and are directly combated by the immune system without which one finds something about it, almost a “magic shield” as you call it so beautiful.

the official vaccines against COVID-19 all do not offer this and there is no data on how good and whether immunization takes place at all, and therefore you suffer more or less severely.

11 months ago

No, it’s never been, and no vaccination. Vaccinations don’t work like that. They don’t form a magic shield.

11 months ago

Until COVID-19, this was also the case… the people have let themselves be assaulted and made use of the world’s largest pharmaceutical experiment

11 months ago

In addition, under an vaccination, I understand that one becomes immune first to the pathogens and, secondly, there can not be any more to others.

Well, you understand.

11 months ago

Probably not.

11 months ago


11 months ago


Of course, the vaccination is the reason why Corona is no longer a problem today, and to which she has saved millions of lives.

Greeting Paul

11 months ago
Reply to  Pauldnd

says who?

11 months ago

What should you say about it? All that, according to vaccinators, should speak about it, has already been deviated forty times.

11 months ago

Apart from heart muscle inflammation, honestly this risk would be too high to me as a man.

and a few autoimmune recitations there were also that were not many but these people have now nen quite fucking live

11 months ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Every drug has side effects.

11 months ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Apart from rHErzmuskelitis, honestly this risk would be too high as a man.

…while you can ignore that the risk of such inflammation in an unvaccinated Covid-19 disease is four times as high, and a disease can cause a whole lot of other organ damage where there is no risk of vaccination.

Vaccination must not be risk-free. You just have to be risk-free enough that it is clearly better to get inoculated than to get ill. And that was more than clear in the pandemic.

By the way: The risk of such inflammation was from 1 to 10 cases per 100,000 vaccinations, i.e. from 0.001% to 0.01%. Statistically, you do not suffer such inflammation.

11 months ago

I’m not a vaccinator, I think it’s wonderful if the vaccination helps someone who can help himself too little.

I only find the special Corona impfug not very good.

Masern Mumps Röteln ect I find quite wonderful as vaccination

11 months ago

The risk was raised mainly by human contact and very direct…

So I had far less risk than most