Welche Pedalen für Dirtbike?
Servus, ich kauf mir demnächst das Canyon Stitched 360 pro, weil ich nach langer Zeit wieder mit Dirt/MTB anfangen wollte.
Da das Bike ohne Pedalen geliefert wird wollte ich euch mal fragen was ihr mir empfehlen könnt.
Sollten circa 50€ kosten
Danke im Vorraus
Do you like?
Very flat pedals drive well, but sometimes (if not plain bearings) have tiny balls and are so less durable.
Soft shoes?! Replaceable or hardened pins. Nevertheless enough floor space in between, so that it does not become permanent, painful.
Where sensible seals are, a halfway reasonably constructed pedal is likely to depend on. (detail pictures)
And of course the reviews/div. Take a closer look at forum contributions if you’ve got something in mind.
I’d see CLX or Cube.
Please get vault pedals from Dmr bikes that drive many and they are really good
That’s what’s in my price field now?