The best painkiller after tonsil surgery?
My doctor only says iboprufen but I need something stronger!!! And he doesn't understand that
My doctor only says iboprufen but I need something stronger!!! And he doesn't understand that
I mean cannabis seeds, of course. Just wanted to know. I wouldn't order any, of course, or I'd be risking my job. Maybe someone has some experience with them.
Hello dear community, My little daughter has asthma. However, it's particularly severe right now, and we have to inhale it, which doesn't work very well because she always vomits afterward. We've already been to the doctor, and he said it's completely normal. Now I'm a bit confused, because sometimes only inhalation helps her and not…
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"STIKO" 4 weeks: Answeren/alles-rund-um-die-impfung/auffrischungsimpfung/#tab-5137-12 "CDC" after 2 months: Why is this so different? Shouldn't we listen to the CDC because J&J is from the US and they probably know more about "their" vaccine?
Actually, after an almond surgery, which is one of the most painful operations especially in adults, there would be a strong opioid useful and appropriate.
The problem is that doctors prefer to dispense one with 4 different NSAR in maximum dose than to prescribe an opioid.
The fact is that none of the common non-opioid painkillers brings a satisfactory relief in the pain after an almond surgery. At that time I had dexibuprofen (the stronger variant of ibuprofen), Metamizol, Diclofenac and Paracetamol, all in the permissible maximum dose. This made a pain from the 10 maybe a 8. With a fentanyl patch that would be far less harmful to the body than this painkiller cocktail, the pain could almost be eliminated completely.
Why doctors let the patients suffer like this is a mystery to me.
Whatever you can do without medical prescription: Take 500mg Paracetamol to Ibuprofen at the same time, if that is too little then 1000mg, provided you are an adult. This is allowed, and the two active compounds potentiate their action mutually. Important only: Maximum Paracetamoldosis per day are 3000mg, i.e. depending on how often you take the drug then either 6×500 or 3×1000.
And if I take the fentanyl patch then the pain goes away? Because that would be a megaaaa tip 😍 or vllt fentanyl nasenspray?
The pain would probably be completely gone. The problem is only, there are practically no doctors who are willing to prescribe a really effective painkiller like fentanyl after an almond surgery, there seems to be a very pronounced opioid anxiety among doctors. So you won’t have a chance to get to Fentanyl.
And please don’t come up with the idea of getting it on the black market, that’s life-threatening.
Understand… but fentanyl patch isn’t as bad as the syringe or what there isn’t anything like that or what?
That’s why you shouldn’t take painkillers easily. If a certain reconciliation has occurred, they no longer act.
Good luck!
Wow thanks for your great help
There is no really helpful pain remedy for swallow pain. Eat ice cream and only very soft / liquid food. Better every day…